This article first posted on the by Killer842
This is from EU Cabal Forums this was made by Swippie in EU Cabal.
Here comes my war guide from testers place.
(Sorry I added it late here)
Last updates: 2008-05-15(By Killer842)
*Updated a little on the lobby info.
*Also updated a little info in the reward section.
*Added Winning Bonus at the end of Guide
*Added Nation War Armor
-We need info on what the towers give to the end score (watch the force tower points after the game has ended)(Still need)
Hello all here is a short guide (but growing ) what to do in the war channel. I didnt take all the screenshots I should have (too busy killing) but I have more now so hopefully a better guide now =)
First when you enter the war channel you get to a room with alot of ppl. here you can start normal groups and chat a little with fellow countrymen. Before the war starts you will have a counter in top showing how long until the war do starts. When the war is running there is a timer showing how long left.
Before the war has started you are put in a waiting queue for joining the war. I will explain more with a screenshot.
The most interesting here is in the upper right corner. Here you have few numbers and buttons:
Capella/Procyon: These numbers represent how many players is in the lobby and that are ready to join. The first number (the 3) is how many max can join at start and second number is how many total is on the server in the country.
Waiting list: The third number is what your position in the queue is. I entered here as number 7. The first to the lobby are 3 that allready is ready to enter and after that im 4th of the ones who is leftover.
Member list: This button opens a list of all countryment that are about to join the fight. Here you can see who is grouped with who and who is solo (that u can invite). Also after the war has ender you can find everyones score here (click on details) to see who was best and who was crappiest
Strategic Map: This button opens the war map and shows all towers and such before the war. Also have a button where you can view and choose rewards. (Preview Reward)
As you can see the upper right is the Capella base and the lower left is the Procyon base. All towers in Between is neutral at start.
When the timer hits 00:00 the war will begin (without any button clicks or anything) for the max players at start (like 16 players in screenshot nmbr 2). If your country have more players than the enemy and you are on the waiting list you will still be in the lobby. At this point you need to wait until you get to 1st spot in waiting list and then wait for more of the enemy to join or 1 of your friends to leave. At this point the information area expands and a third button emerges under the Strategic map button. Click this button and you enter the game.
Max players for the map is a bit unsertain since ive seen more than 100 vs 100. But it is not much more than that. It might also be so that if you are in a party with ppl in the first 100 to join and you are far down the waiting list you might be able to join anyways. Little more infro needed on this though.
The War Map
You have now entered your main base on the war map. It seems that at start you have in the main base allready a warp and a resurection tower (I think so atleast) if not those should be built to be able to respawn and warp futher into the map if you die. More on how to build towers is later in the guide.
Now you should use all your strategic skills and start taking tower/main bases etc to gain mission points for the war. Dont just charge to kill enemies that way you wont win and wont get your personal reward anyways (wich is based on your performance on the field (buildings, kills etc)). best way will be have 1 master general that orders group leaders in group channel, and group leader orders group members. but this will be chaos at start =)
When you get to a tower there is a Legacy guardian (S/M/L). These come in 3 sizes Small, medium and Large. The large 1 you should bring a few friends too =). The sizes are dependant on how close to main base you are so in the middle of the map (center, lower right, upper left) the Large 1 is and closest to base the small ones are. A tip is that the L ones are together worth 1500 points per 3 min. If you have all 3 L towers the enemy needs to capture ALL other towers to be able to compete with the points gain per 3 min (all others together is 1800 points). When you kill a guardian a chest appears (as with any bosses) these chests contain Legacy Weapon and potions.
Known Drops: (all potions are max craft and cant be used in quickbar)
*Sword Master Potion
*Magic Master potion
*Reflect potion
*Vitality Potion (observe that the +HP is not as said on potion in war server.. it adds 3000 HP)
*Vitalregen Potion (havent tried this 1 yet if it is boosted 2.. +12 auto regen sounds low..)
*Evasion Potion
*Manacondense Potion
*Sharpness Potion
*Hardness Potion
*Legacy Weapon
The Force Towers
Towers is a vital part in the war map and gives a great advantage if you use them right. there are first 2 basic kinds of towers the portable ones (that you can carry and place ANYWHERE) and the towers that have fixed points where you can build them. To start build a tower you right click your portable tower or a strategic static building point to get the building options. (The portable can be any kind of tower except the Warp and Resurection towers)
(The portable towers can be bought in the main base for 100k each. Run up the stairs to the top and the seller is a tower just left of the topstairs. I have a screenshot of that and it will be posted soonish)
Here you can choose what type of towers to build in the list. The S is very fast (almost instant) and the Large takes alot of time to build but gives great bonus. In the bottom you have 2 options. First you are able to build these by spending alz and the tower will rise (this is very expensive if u dont have our superchars. BUT if your team wins you will get some of the cash back in the end reward). You can also build by using war points, but this option is only for party leaders and should be managed among the leaders how to distribute the points gained in war the best way. (I think the points build is much faster. not sure I never was party leader).
The only thing that ''stacks'':
Attack Tower (L) (NOT Attack UP or DOWN, but Just ATTACK).
All others don't stack, so don't bother building more than one in the same spot.
When you click for example the Warp tower and then alz button the tower starts to build.
When the blue meter is full the tower is ready and in use. Towers can be destroyed by the enemy and u can destroy towers. Atm they seem pretty week. but that might be just our superpowers.
Alz cost of towers:
Large towers - 1 mil Alz
Medium Towers - 700k Alz
Small Towers - 500k Alz
Some tower explanations:
Production Tower: This tower you cannot create or destroy. it works as a NPC in your main base for buying portable towers.
Resurrection tower: Makes it possible to spawn here on death
Warp Tower: Makes it possible to warp between all warp towers should have a few of these on the battlefield
Debuff towers (attack-down, def-down, HP-down): These towers lower stats on your enemy. Attack down makes them ofc do less dmg, very good to build at towers you leave after capture. That way enemy wont kill the guardian as fast. Def-down is not that good right now since we can take so much dmg anyways.. might be good at the L bosses to make ppl die very fast =). The HP-DOWN almost seem to work as a dot (damage over time) and tick of 200 hp (atm better than attack tower).
Buff towers (attack up, defence up): Great for mostly attacks. The def-up isnt that usefull now but will be when we have to take the L boss and needs defence. Right now the attack up is imo a must to use as portable when u kill M or L bosses, makes it alot faster kills.
HP-Heal tower: Great tower in defensive modes and also when attacking L bosses.
Attack Towers: With the current defense issue these are pretty worthless.. But Im guessing when we have our normal chars it wont be fun running into a forest of 5-10 of these Build em around a L boss with a def down and it might be quite hard to beat place for the enemies (but as said prob mostly with the normal chars later)
If a tower is dmged you can repair it for some alz, The amound of alz and the time it takes i think depend on how dmged the tower is.
To start tower repair u need to select the dmged tower and press R, here is an example:
Enemy Main Base
If you want you can also attack the enemy main base to get a nice tactical and points boost . First when you arive at the enemy base you need to kill the gates.
After the gate is down you can enter the base. here you can kill any towers (like resurect or warp) and then charge the main stucture.. the "sign". When this is destroyed you have taken the base and you can build your own towers in this base too and kill of the rest of the enemy.
If you are able to capture the base and all enemy towers (like they have no towers left) I think you will auto-win.. But auto-win condition we have to test a bit maybe (how is it with the neutral towers do they have to be captured too? dont think so but maybe).
your current standing in Score and points is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. The first number is the points your nation have to use the second is your game score, the third is the enemy game score.
Score are the points that determine wich country are winning and who are loosing. these can not be used to build towers and such, and never decrese only increase.
Here are the Score that the team gets in war:
For capturing:
Small: 1000
Medium: 2000
Large: 5000
Base: 5000
For Kill:
For killing guardian:
Small: 100
Medium: 300
Large: 500
For destroying Force Tower:
Force towers still standing:
i think also you get 100 points per killed Legacy Guardian no matter type. Please confirm (I will try too)
Points are used by the party leaders to build force towers and Guardians. They decrease when you build a tower by:
Small: 100
Medium: 200
Large: 500
Small: 100
Large: 200
Here are the Points that the team gets in war:
Points for destroying force towers
Small: 100
Large: 200
Points per tick: (points you get per 3 min)
Small: 100
Medium: 200
Large: 500
And we have an initial points pool of 5000
Personal Score
The personal score you get 10 points for kill and -10 for death. (this effects reward aswell as building towers and maybe destroyong/capturing also) Needs more info here.
You get first a nation reward wich is higher drop rates/xp and more in some dungeons for all nation declared in your country or some warp cards i think.
But after that you get a personal reward based on how well you did in the war. This is normally a cash award and items (Here I got 14m alz and 2 core cubes).
The reward is based on first kills or more like kills compared to others. (the higher ur rank the better the reward) Also you get back cash from towers you have built and also reward for the nations result this can be alot of cash but is only awarded if your nation wins the battle. So only pharming enemies for kills is only rewarding if u are like top 5 ranks othrwise you better start getting towers for more reward (seens so much kills pharming the open beta wars to almost no use)
The reward is sent to you with the mail system so check the mail to claim your items
If you check your character screen after a war, it lists TG(War) rewards more then the ones that get mailed to you. Here's what ours looks like:
Friday, November 13, 2009
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