Master Level starts at level 0 and can be raised to level 200. Each level will grant you one Master Level Skill point, which can be distributed among your Master Level Skill trees.
Master Level experience can be obtained from monsters level 95 and higher.
Master Level penalties for dying are similar to normal level penalties: the character loses some experience from his Master Level and also some Zen from his inventory and vault.
Master Level Skill Tree (Hot Key “A”)
For each class, there are 4 trees in which Master Level Skill points can be invested. At least one skill in each tier must be maxed before the player can start adding points to the next tier.
Each skill can have a maximum of 5 points.

Tree Skill Types
1. Upgrade Defense Ability (All Classes)

2. Skill Strengthener (All Classes)

3. Attack Power Increase (All Classes)

4. Rapid Leveling (All Classes)

5. Dark Knight-Exclusive Strengthener Skill

6. Dark Wizard-Exclusive Strengthener Skill

7. Fairy Elf-Exclusive Strengthener Skill

8. Magic Gladiator-Exclusive Strengthener Skill

9. Dark Lord-Exclusive Strengthener Skill

Unlearned skills cannot be strengthened.
Weapon skills can be learned without the weapon, but the weapon must be equipped to use the skill.
Master-Exclusive Event Section
Each in-game event will have its own category for Master Level characters.
1. Devil Square 7
- Devil’s Square Ticket + 7
o Ingredients : Devil’s Eye + 7, Devil’s Key + 7 (both obtained from monsters level 90 and up), Jewel of Chaos
2. Blood Castle 8
- Cloak of Invisibility + 8
o Ingredients: Scroll of Archangel + 8, Blood Bone + 8 (both obtained from monsters level 90 and up), Jewel of Chaos
3. Chaos Castle 7
- Armor of Guardsman + 7 (purchased from NPC merchants) and 1,000,000 on entry
4. Illusion Temple 6
- Scroll of Blood + 6
o Ingredients : Old Scroll + 6 (obtained from monsters level 96 and up), Illusion Sorcerer Covenant + 6 (obtained from monsters level 100 and up), Jewel of Chaos
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