Hi, all the MU enthusiastic MU players in the Philippines.
Just recently, I had some time to gather information regarding Season 4, and now I am able to write here in the forum. I was wondering if I was about to reveal information that might go against Mobius's policy but I have spoken with Mobius Managers directly to get the Go signal. So, here are the details..
First of all,
Please excuse me that I am not familar with Tagalog. So, I will explain in plain English regarding the contents of SEASON 4.
Season 4 has been launched since last summer in 2008 in Korea. I have been observing ideas and thoughts from many Korean Users in Korea. (I used to play in Korean MU as well..)
Now check it out,
As you see, Level Cap of 400 is eventually Lifted.
You do not gain STAT POINTS.. But you gain SKILL POINTS to invest the skill points for
your choice of skill trees. (If you were a Diablo2 Player (We do not support text speak), then you can imagine what it is..)
Those Skill trees are very diversified.. IE, Improved Physical Defense. PVP attack success rate, defense Rate,
Increasing Zen after kill, Reducing wear rate of your high valued Gear for repair, improving your skill dmg,
etc.... I just can't recall all of them...
But the catch is, to gain exp for killing mobs after level 400, you must kill mobs level equal or higher than
BERSERK at Kantur 2. ( Mob level 95 plus i think.)
Yup, it's the new Summoner. I guess I don't have to explain about this. Pass..
Those are the New Maps you can explore...
SWAMP is where all the 400 plus Master Level Users hunts.
La Cleon is somewhat similar to Kalima but the mobs are very powerful.
I would rather not mention about the maps and mobs beyong this point but to
let you experience those when Season 4 launches.
This is something new...
The Socket Items... There are new weapons and armor sets for each classes.
As what i know, all the classes get 2 different socket weapons and socket armor sets.
Into these sockets, (just like Diablo2), u can enchant it with excellent options.
This is one of the biggest changes that made MU in Korean Server.
For BK, Flamberge is the top notch socket weapon
ELF, Dark Stinger is the bow..
MG, Rune Bastard Sword or Deadly Staff
Sorry for the Wiz,DL, and Summoner that I can't recall the names of items at this moment.
Anyway, this socket system will bring a big change into the game play.
Now, all classes get NEW SET ITEMS which is alternative to the current Hyon, Anubis, Argo, Gaion, etc sets.
All the new sets have different traits so it's little tricky to say which is good or bad...
However, the usual market price in Korean MU server for the new set items is usually at 2:1 ratio. (new sets aree double price of the older ones)
I won't mention any further about this issue.
Yes there are new wings.. 3rd wing for the characters advanced to 3rd class change up.
Upon the Third class change up completion, you gain 70 extra STAT points and entitled to
wear 3rd Wing. (MG becomes Duel Master after the completition.. Sorry, I only play MG so..)
As what I have observed, it is said that the effect of +9 3rd wing is somewhat equal to the performance of
+15~+16 2nd Wing (if there were +16 ever.. just for comparison)
Yup, it looks much nicer but it's very difficult to succeed in creating it.. Max 40% success rate.
And it takes whole bunch of this and that to make it.. BUT, it is really worth it for the pain.
Lag creating New Skills are there of course...
These are the brief summary of what we have been missing for the season 3 and season 4.
I just wanted to share the info with MU Philippines Players.
I have spent enough time to get the info and put all these up here and I do not appreciate someone
posting a negative or insulting comment. I belive that all of you are mature enough to share these info
with friends, guildmates and prepare for the season 4.
Personally, I don't know the exact date of when Season 4 will launch here in the Philippines.
I tried to talk to the Managers at Mobius but was not able to get the answer for it.
However, few months ago, i heard that they were in the language translation and debugging process.
Hope we get it sooner than expected!
Thanks. Have a great day.
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