Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cabal Guide: Cabal Information

Cabal Guide: Cabal Information
By Duo

What's to come in this guide?
-CABAL Introduction
-CABAL system requirements
-Game Controls & Special Options
-Chat system
--General info
--Pros and Cons
--Common rumors, debates, and misconceptions.
-The Maps and Their Mobs
--Desert Scream
--Green Despair
--Bloody Ice
--Port Lux
--Fort Ruina
--Undead Ground
--Forgotten Ruin
-Instant Dungeons
-Dungeons and Their Mobs
--Lake in Dusk
--Ruina Station
--Frozen Tower of Undead B1F
--Frozen Tower of Undead B2F
-Skill Training and Skills
-Stats and Character Rank
--Stat Growth Tables
--Class up requirement
--Combo mode
--Aura mode
--Battle Mode 1
--Battle Mode 2
--Different materials
--How to upgrade
--Slotted equips
--Crafting equips
-Guild System
--Guild War
-Party System
-Nation War
-Honor Points
-Astral Board
-Astral Bike

CABAL Introduction

Hello fellow CABALers! First of all, I would like to welcome you all to my guide. I pray that this massive effort will be a massive contribution to the SEA community and aide in the rapid growth of cabalSEA. Now, let me go on. CABAL is a 3D action hack n' slash MMORPG. Featuring 6 playable classes and beautiful skill animations unseen in most MMOs, CABAL is one of the best that I have personally seen on the gaming market. CABAL's realistic graphics seem to make the game more attractive to teenagers 14+, but this game is suitable for pretty much all ages in my opinion. Currently, all versions of CABAL except for the Brazilian version are F2P. The cap levels in CABAL are 120 (closed beta usually), 150 (open beta/full version), and 170 (full version after lengthy development). Now that we all have a small seed of an idea of what CABAL is, let us grow that seed into a fruit bearing tree.

CABAL System Requirements

Before we go anywhere, let's make sure that you have what it takes to run CABAL. Despite CABAL's amazing graphics and animations, the requirements are surprisingly low. Here is a table:

---------| ----Minimum Reqs---- | ----Recommended Reqs---- |
--CPU -- | Pentium III 800MHz ---| Pentium IV 1.4GHz -------- |
--RAM --| ------ 256MB --------| --------- 512MB -----------|
--VGA -- | --- 3D Accelerator -- | Radeon 9250 GeForce Ti or +|
Sound --| ----------- DirectX 9.0c supporting card ----------- |
--HDD --| ---------------------1.5 GB ----------------------- |

In order to check what your computer is equiped with, follow this simple process.

Start menu -> Run -> Type in "dxdiag" without the " " -> Hit the run button and you're there.

Game Controls & Special Options

So now that we're sure that we can play CABAL, let's learn how to even play the game.

Essential Hotkeys for Everyday Survival

W = walk forward
S = backpedal
A = rotate camera left
D = rotate camera right
Q = strafe left
E = strafe right
1 - 0, -, and = are used for skill and potion hot keys.
F1 - F4 are used to cycle between your different skill bars. You have a total of 4.
I = item menu (also includes all your equips).
K = skills menu
C = character info menu
T = quest menu
O = options menu
P = party list
G = guild
B = buddies
X = extracted items menu
Tab and M = mini map. Tab is more of an instant map. You must hold down tab to keep the map viewable. Release tab to close it.
Spacebar = pick up items
Left click = attack / pick up / speak to npc / target monster
Right click = adjust camera angle in all directions
Mouse wheel = adjust focus

Options that Make Life Worth Living

Hide/Display: Monster HP, Monster name, your HP, player names, helmet
Place combo meter under Monster HP bar (top of the screen) // Place combo meter above character's head (center of screen).
Dash in the direction you are walking // Dash to where the mouse pointer is.
Auto attack on/off.
Adjust BGM volume
Adjust sound effect volume
Adjust ambience volume. (Ambience is map sound effects, such as a dusty breeze in the desert or animal chirpings in the forest)
Adjust character and environment quality
Adjust resolution
Adjust brightness
Setting up shop. (Found by clicking on yourself and clicking on the drop down menu. The shop holds up to 8 items).

Chat System

Each mode of chat is represented by a small capital letter. Here is how it works
C = Channel chat
N = Public chat
T = Trade chat
L = Shout chat
G = Guild chat
P = Party chat
W = Whisper chat

You can change chat modes by either clicking on the letter and changing it to your desired chat mode, or you can simply type /(letter of chatmode) and it will instantly switch over. For whisper chat, you must type in the name of whom you wish to whisper to. The whisper box saves recently whispered to users for your convenience.

You can color your chat by using $[Insert number here] ... [Insert text here]#.
Ex. $1 Hey, what's up?#

Multiple colors can be used in 1 line as well by following this system:
$1 Hello everyone.# $2 Thanks for reading my guide.# $3 I hope it helps.#

Be sure to make those spaces between the $ and # signs, otherwise you will simply end up typing a $ instead of color coding your text.


Ah, we are finally on some game related materials! CABAL has 6 classes. Those 6 are Warriors, Wizards, Bladers, Force Bladers, Force Archers, and Force Shielders. Each class has their ups and downs, their wins and fails, so let us review each class in a general synopsis.

The warrior is your typical giant sword wielding, huge damage dealing tank of destruction. Warriors may wield either great swords or daikatanas. Their usual armor used is the armor set. Warriors deal the highest amount of damage in CABAL and most of their skills are single target skills. Also, since the armor set is the strongest armor defense-wise, warriors boast the highest damage and one of the highest defenses. Because warrior skills are all 1 sided and mostly fall under the sword skill rank, warriors are a very easy to class to play and are probably one of the best ones for beginners.

+ Highest damage dealers
+ One of the best survivors due to high defense and HP
+ Shiny armor and large swords are appealing to most
+ Exceptional in PvP due to attack and defense.

- Most people do not like how warrior skills take a long time to cast
- Said to be hard to train with in Lakeside due to lack of stun skills

Misconceptions: Warriors do NOT attack slower than everyone else. Their skills take LONGER to cast, but as for normal attacks, they are no slower than anyone else's attacks. Nor do warriors walk the slowest due to armor weight.

The wizard is your AoE, spellcasting, ranged class. Wizards wield dual orbs as power sources for their magic and wear the martial set for higher avoid, but lack defense as compensation. Wizards are excellent fighters due to their long range AoE attacks that still deal high amounts of damage. Wizards also have the ability to freeze monsters from a range so that they cannot even reach you, making your lack of defense not even a factor to worry about. Since wizards are a 1 stat class like warriors and mainly use just magic skills, wizards are a class suitable for beginners as well.

+ Best long range AoE
+ Capable of freezing opponents from far away, preventing you from harm
+ Decent avoid rate
+ Powerful in PvP due to freezing and range

- Low defense

Misconceptions: So far, none that I know of. I remember hearing that wizards have more HP than bladers, but I have never confirmed that notion.

The blader is your dual sword hack n' slash, slice n' dice class. Bladers have the option of wielding dual katanas, dual blades, or one blade and one katana. Similar to wizards, bladers equip the martial set for optimal avoid, but lacking defense. Bladers are a very fast class. Many of their skills deal some kind of AoE damage and have some of the prettiest skill animations the game has to offer. Bladers are typically seen as a beginner friendly class as well since a majority of their skills only lie under the sword skill rank.

+ Best avoid in the game, practically untouchable in PvE
+ Beautiful skills with AoE slapped onto almost all of them
+ Strong and easy to grow

- No major advantage with PvP like massive defense and long range. Player skill is more required on this aspect.
- Said to have the lowest HP of all classes.

Misconceptions: Blades are NOT slower than katanas. Blades and katanas only differ in attack, magic attack, hit rate, and appearance.

Force Blader
The force blader is magic & sword slash 'em up class. Force bladers equip katanas and orbs and use the battle set for balanced defense and avoid to fit the force blader's balanced build. Force bladers have a unique balance between magical damage and physical damage. The fact that force bladers absolutely must have both magic and sword skills makes them slightly harder to train and less for beginners. Though force bladers have a bumpy road up, they even out with all the other classes in the end.

+ Perfectly balanced to fit all situations
+ Powerful AoE skills
+ Awesome PvPers

- Hard road on the way up

Misconceptions: Force bladers are NOT weak. Some people believe that force bladers suck, which is absolutely incorrect. Force bladers simply require more time and effort to make just as good as everyone else.

Force Archer
The force archer is your long range, mostly single target, sharpshooter class. Force archers equip dual crystals, each one half of their bow and the battle set for balanced defense and avoid. Force archers mostly have single target skills. I almost want to call them long range warriors since they do have AoE skills, just not many of them. Force archers have been deemed the best PvPers due to their range, stun, and powerful single strike attacks. Dash also makes them hard to catch for short range classes.

+ Powerful damage even though they are long range
+ Most likely to win a PvP with the least amount of player skill needed

- May struggle with large mobs as they don't have much AoE and aren't tanks like warriors

Misconceptions: Though it is true that force archers are easiest to PvP with, being a force archer doesn't automatically guarantee you 100% success in a PvP.

Force Shielder
The force shielder is your sword and shield magic class with defense comparable to that of a warrior. Force shielders wield a blade and a crystal that transforms into their shield and wear the armor suit set to enhance their defensive powers. Force shielders are perhaps the best at PvE due to their skills having large AoEs, and lots of their skills cover the full 360 degrees of turf. Force shielders have been said to be the less capable PvPer since huge AoE skills are much weaker when used against a single target compared to the skills of a warrior and force archer. Similar to force bladers, force shielders must obtain a balance of magic and sword.

+ A tank, pure and simple
+ Awesome AoE for first class PvE

- Slightly harder to use for PvP

Misconceptions: Force shielders are NOT weak. People keep getting the idea that force shielders suck because European CABAL destroyed the force shielder's critical hit rate. That does NOT apply to SEA.

Maps and Mobs - Desert Scream

Map of Desert Scream

Garlie Lv 1 Giant Beetle Lv 3 Garlie Captain Lv 7 Desert Fox Lv 9
Desert Hound Lv 12 Giant Snake Lv 15 Huge Beetle Lv 18 Armaku Lv 21
Bugmander Lv 24 Mummy Lv 27 Mummy Blader Lv 30 Mummy Warrior Lv 31
Archionis Lv 34 Archyterix Lv 37 Clay Gargoyle Lv 40 Antra Lug Lv 50
Lug Queen Lv 60

Green Despair

Map of Green Despair

Mantis Lv 1 Troglo Lv 3 Troglo Fighter Lv 5 Troglo Elder Lv 7
Troglo Warrior Lv 9 Dire Boar Lv 12 Plant Toad Lv 15 Bugzard Lv 18
Patherhorn Lv 21 Plant Patherhorn Lv 24 Giant Spider Lv 24 Huge Spider Lv 30
Moscutter Lv 40 Bitterleaf Lv 44 Moscyther Lv 47 Wriggeleaf Lv 50
Moscutter Queen Lv 60

Bloody Ice

Map of Bloody Ice

Nipper Lug Lv 1 Rabbithorn Lv 3 Scorp Lug Lv 5 Lynxhorn Lv 7
Zombie Maid Lv 9 Zombie Lv 12 Lynxhorn Zombie Lv 15 Lynxhorn Zombie Leader Lv 20
Skeleton Lv 27 Skeleton Warrior Lv 30 Skeleton Mage Lv 31 Babayaga Lv 34
Hound Zombie Lv 37 Ape Lv 41 Ape Zombie Lv 44 Ghost Lv 50
Shade Lv 60

Port Lux

Map of Port Lux

Mobs **Sorry, I could not obtain information on the levels of monsters from Port Lux and beyond.
Peryton Bug Shark Bugdolphy Crag Crab
Crag Toad Crag Turtle Flame Hound Dark Soldier
Phantom Crew Ghoul Phantom Worker Stone Gargoyle
Stone Golem

Fort Ruina

Map of Fort Ruina

Auto-cannon EX Auto-cannon OP Hound S-01 Mecha Ape
Electric Bird Mecha Buffalo Mechamander Mecha Ape Archer

Undead Ground

Mobs **No map available for areas from undead ground and beyond.
Zombie Fighter Berserk Ghoul Zombie Slayer Zombie Knight
Ghost Blader Wraith Specter Vampire Servant
Lihorn Zombie Death Soldier Death Giant

Forgotten Ruin

Blade Peryton Cockatrice Sand Lihorn Griffin
Lihorna Giant Scorpion Two-headed Hound Hexscyther
Stone Beetle Fire Beetle


Iron Gargoyle Iron Golem Bloody Orc Bloody Orc Mage
Dark Knoll Dark Knoll Mage Bloody Harpy Slave Bloody Harpy Warrior
Dark Troll Bloody Ogre Dark Minitaurus Berserk Faello


Yes my friends, be glad to hear that CABAL has quests, many, MANY quests. Here's a run down of the types of quests you might face.

Destroy Mobs: Some quests simply ask you to kill mobs. Whether it be 3 or 30, all you have to do is kill.
Collection Quests: Some quests ask you to collect items from mobs instead of just kill them. These end up becoming the most hated quests in the game, so beware!
Instant Dungeon: Some quests have you enter a disclosed location and successfully destory all mobs / find an NPC / kill the boss at the end. These are perhaps the most fun type of quest you can get.
Environment Collection: Some quests ask you to run out to a special location on the map and get something from a statue or a structure. Very simple, but it usually requires you to run through mobs that are much higher level than you.
NPC Socializing: Some quests require you to simply chat with an NPC and it's all done.

The bulk of your quests will be received from level 1 - 40. On average you will have 5 or 6 quests per level, and quests are usually more than enough to level you up with minimal amounts of on the side training. I would mostly say it is because of quests that people can reach level 30-35 in 2 days.

Be aware that every job has a slightly different quest list, and that difference is seen in their specific class quest list. The quest menu eventually branches off into different categories, and if you are a blader, your Blader Quests will not be the same as say a force blader who has Force Blader Quests. Other than this slight difference, all classes get the same quests and it is advisable to find a friend to party and quest with.

Instant Dungeons

There are 2 different kinds of instant dungeons. One of them is a short, 2 to 45 minute dungeon that is always related to a quest you are doing. The other one is a long, 1 to 2 hour dungeon that is usually there mostly for party training and finding rare equips undroppable by normal mobs in your level range.

Of the shorter dungeons, there are 3 kinds.

Gotta pwn them all! This type of dungeon simply requires you to run through the dungeon and destroy every monster in your path.
Find that NPC! This type of dungeon requires you to reach the end in order to talk to an NPC. It's usually pretty much just like a "Gotta pwn them all" dungeon.
Oh snap it's a boss! This type of dungeon requires you to destroy all mobs in your path AND face a boss monster in the end. Be aware that most boss monsters have TWO hp bars, meaning, you have to kill them twice for them to stay down.

Common obstacles in dungeons

1. Soul lamps / Soul crystals. These are locks that seal the doorway to the next room. In rooms that contain these, you may skip the monsters and destroy just the soul lamps. When all the soul lamps are gone, the monsters will all vanish as well. You will not get the exp from the monsters by doing this.

2. Maze. Sometimes a wall of mazes appears in the room as soon as you enter it. In mazes, you must either destroy all the mobs, or break all the soul lamps to unlock the door.

3. Key mob. Most rooms in each dungeon hold what is called the key mob. If you destroy this one mob, all the others will die with it. Doing this will not give you the EXP of all the other monsters that die with it.

Party Dungeons

In the longer 1 to 2 hour dungeons, you may bring along a party with you. Be aware, however, that each of these dungeons require a special item in order to gain access and entry to them.

Lake in Dusk: Map part
Ruina Station: Muster card
Frozen Tower of the Undead B1F: Epaulet of the Dead B1F
Frozen Tower of the Undead B2F: Epaulet of the Dead B2F

These dungeons include mobs that have extremely high amounts of HP. It is normal to spend 3-5 minutes on just 1 section of the dungeon, even with a party. All dungeons are littered with mini bosses along the way, and mini bosses have a high chance of dropping advanced gear that you cannot get anywhere else, such as double slotted osmium equipment. At the end of each is a huge final boss, and most dungeons have treasure chests than can contain anything from cores to equips to even an astral bike.

Sidebar: Lottery system
The lottery system is a based on player honor system for deciding who gets what from a dungeon drop. Let's say someone finds a double slotted osmium armor helmet, and there happen to be a warrior and a force shielder in the party run that need it. What each player would do is click on them selves and click on the little "lottery" tab. The lottery will publicly announce a random number, and whoever gets the higher number gets the item. Think of it as advanced rock, paper, scissors.

Dungeons and Their Mobs

Lake in Dusk

Pirouro Zigdris Faello Jidarsch Radark
Pogarr Fashik Hauk Lehifee
Etuor Caschnarr Rik Grischnarc
Haschnarc Ergdusu Ballu Wurk

Ruina Station

Invader Mecha Ape T-2 Invader Mecha Ape T-B Invader Excavator R2
Invader Mecha Bear Invader Mecha Spider

Frozen Tower of the Undead B1F

Flesh Golem Agrya Werewolf Vuicekra
Rettooth The Mergaheph Libers Pertz von Zatellerean
General Zombie Pertz von Zatellerean Anelion

Frozen Tower of the Undead B2F

Prozaque von Zatellerean Perzen Bhha Fellins Leurow
Arban Raikette Printz Verzen Killian Grausten
Ekzane Jumar Carbo Andreas Schultz


Training, or grinding, in this game is quite similar to most other games, but there are some oddities and techniques that I would like to share with you all.

Suggested Training Method
I highly suggest that you use combo and combo only when only training on general mobs. Things like aura mode and your battle modes 1 & 2 should be saved for instant dungeons and when you're in tight spots. Using combo is also the best for leveling your skills, but that is not for this section to explain.

Suggested Training Locations
Everyone has a favorite map and a favorite mob that they just can't stop hacking and slashing away at. When it comes to training, the best type of monster to kill would be monsters with an orange or red name. These monsters give you the most EXP you can possibly get. All the different colors of mobs include:

Grey - Much weaker than you. Usually gives you no exp at all.
Pale Green - Slightly weaker than you. Usually gives you very little exp, sometimes none.
Yellow - At your level. Usually give you decent exp, but not great exp.
Orange - Slightly stronger than you. Usually gives you good exp.
Red - Much stronger than you. Usually gives you the best exp you can possibly get.

Factors for EXP gain
1. The damage you deal. The damage you deal to a monster dictates how much exp you get from it. This is the reason why CABAL uses an exact damage system (where if the monster has 10 hp left, even your best skill will only deal 10 damage). That means that each monster has a certain capacity of exp, but the more damage you deal the more exp you will get. This also means that you do NOT need to actually kill the monster to gain EXP, simply dealing damage to it will give you something.

2. Level gap. The larger the level gap is, the more or less exp you gain. The amount is not constant, and it's also a pretty big gap between each color. The difference between yellow color monsters and red color monsters is quite substantial.

3. Optimal mobbing. In order to gain the most possibly experience in one hit, it is best to attack 4 monsters at once. When you exceed 4, you hardly bring in any extra exp to the table. That is why people who mob 8 monsters at once gain just about the same amount as those who only mob 4. Keep this in mind for the future. This mostly prevents you from gaining 10% in one mob and making leveling too easy and pointless.

Skill Training and Skills

Skill training is the process of taking off some extra time to level up your skill rank. Typical methods of skill training are:
1. Using novice/apprentice skills on monsters that give you 0 exp
2. Punching
3. Killing dungeon doors
4. Dummies (only available in some versions under premium account)

In CABAL, every class has both sword skills and magic skills. That's right, even warriors can use magic and even wizards can use physical attack skills. For both of these skill ranks, you can obtain the rank of Transcender, and every skill rank gives you special stat bonuses as well. Here's a general run down.

----------------- | -----------Sword Skills------------ | -----------Magic Skills-------------|
Novice -------- |------------No bonuses------------- |-----------No bonuses--------------|
Apprentice ---- |-Str+4/Dex+4/HP+20/MP+10---- |-Int+4/Dex+4/MP+20/HP+10---- |
Regular --------|-Str+6/Dex+6/HP+30/MP+15---- |-Int+6/Dex+6/MP+30/HP+15---- |
Expert ---------|-Str+8/Dex+8/HP+40/MP+20-----|-Int+8/Dex+8/MP+40/HP+20-----|
A.Expert ------ |-Str+10/Dex+10/HP+50/MP+25--|-Int+10/Dex+10/MP+50/HP+25- |
Master ---------|-Str+12/Dex+12/HP+60/MP+30--|-Int+12/Dex+12/MP+60/HP+30- |
A.Master ------ |-Str+14/Dex+14/HP+70/MP+35--|-Int+14/Dex+14/MP+70/HP+35- |
G.Master ------ |-Str+14/Dex+14/HP+80/MP+40--|-Int+14/Dex+14/MP+80/HP+40- |
Completer -----|-Str+14/Dex+14/HP+90/MP+45--|-Int+14/Dex+14/MP+90/HP+45--|
Transcender -- |-Str+14/Dex+14/HP+100/MP+50-|-Int+14/Dex+14/MP+100/HP+50-|

In the end you get the following stat boost:

+108 STR, +216 DEX, +108 INT, +270 HP, +270 MP

Now, considering how you gain 5 stat points a level, that means that you gain 86.4 levels of stats from just getting double transcender. Slapping that onto the cap level of 150, that makes your character capable of hitting level 236, figuratively.

Universal Sword Skills
This is a collection of sword skills usable by all classes.

**For all "Skill Range" demonstrations I use, C = your character while x = a monster. BOLD x's represent the monster you should target to hit all monsters shown in demonstration.

Flash Draw/Novice - A simple charged up sword swing that covers about 120 degree's worth of area.
Skill range:
Impact Stab/Novice - A simple, quick stab skill that can stab multiple opponents if targeted correctly.
Skill range:
C xx
Fade Step/Novice - This skill allows you to quickly dash backwards from your foe to avoid damage.
Skill range:
C.x // C<----x
Dash/Apprentice - This skill increases your mobility by a great amount and is great for dodging through mobs.
Skill range:
C // C -------->C *No target required.
Rising Shot/Regular - This skill is a single, swift upward swing that flips opponents on their back. Usually useless.
Skill range:
Round Cut/A.Expert - A full 360 degree AoE skill that executes quickly, but is also very weak for an A.Expert ranked skill.
Skill range:
x.C.x *You may target any monster.

Universal Magic Skills
This is a collection of magic skills usable by all classes. The same Skill Range demonstration model will be used here. Since many skills have similar ranges under the magic rank, I will only write a skill range for the first one of each kind.

Magic Arrow/Novice
Skill range:
Terra Arrow/Novice
Aqua Arrow/Novice
Wind Arrow/Novice
Fire Arrow/Novice
Freezing Arrow/Novice
Lightning Arrow/Novice
Skill range:
Magic Blast/Apprentice
Skill range:
Stone Blast/Apprentice
Aqua Blast/Apprentice
Wind Blast/Apprentice
Fire Blast/Apprentice
Ice Blast/Apprentice
Lightning Blast/Apprentice
Magic Lance/Regular
Skill range:
Terra Lance/Regular
Aqua Lance/Regular
Wind Lance/Regular
Fire Lance/Regular
Freezing Lance/Regular
Lightning Lance/Regular

Magic Cannon/Expert
Skill range:
Stone Cannon/Expert
Aqua Cannon/Expert
Wind Cannon/Expert
Fire Cannon/Expert
Crystal Cannon/Expert
Lightning Cannon/Expert

Warrior Skills
Power Stab/Novice
Heavy Slash/Apprentice
Press Impact/Apprentice
Blade Force/Regular
Raging Thrust/Regular
Rising Blade/Regular
Cascade Break/Expert
Rolling Crash/Expert
Iron Skin/Expert
Blade Aura/A.Expert
Spiral Doom/A.Expert
Sword Cannon/Master
Aura Barrier/Master
Terra Break/A.Master

Blader Skills
Stab Slash/Novice
Double Slash/Apprentice
Triple Slash/Apprentice
Blade Force/Regular
Death Cross/Regular
Double Rising/Regular
Storm Grind/Expert
Hasing Dance/Expert
Iron Skin/Expert
Mirage Step/A.Expert
Blade Aura/A.Expert
Mirage Grind/A.Expert
Twin-moon Slash/Master
Aura Barrier/Master
Vital Interfere/Master
Blade Cry/A.Master
Blade Scud/G.Master

Wizard Skills
Burning Hand/Novice
Dig Bomb/Apprentice
Icicle Shower/Apprentice
Wind Cutter/Regular
Hydro Disk/Regular
Lightning Strike/Regular
Acid Trab/Regular
Chain Explosion/A.Expert
Energy Field/A.Expert
Force Increase/Master
Hail Storm/Master
Arctic Field/A.Master
Extreme Dual Cannon/G.Master

Force Archer Skills
Power Shot/Novice
Critical Shot/Apprentice
Repulsive Armor/Apprentice
Explosion Shot/Regular
Eagle Eyes/Regular
Poison Arrow/Regular
Lower Defense/Regular
Shadow Shot/A.Expert
Mana Condense/A.Expert
Vital Force/A.Expert
Greater Heal/Master
Vital Bless/Master
Drilled Shot/Master
Prismatic Arrow/A.Master
Gravity Distortion/G.Master

Force Shielder Skills (Sword)
Force Stab/Novice
Power Slash/Apprentice
Slash Break/Apprentice
Soaring Shot/Regular
Wild Strike/Regular
Earth Divide/Expert
Shield Charge/Expert
Storm Crush/A.Expert
Shield Ray/Master
Shield Explosion/A.Master
Shield Break/G.Master

Force Shielder Skills (Magic)
Shield Shock/Novice
Crushing Blade/Novice
Flying shield/Regular
Shield Harden/A.Expert
Blade of Judgement/A.Expert

Force Blader Skills (Sword)
Force Stab/Novice
Force Slash/Apprentice
Force Break/Apprentice
Illusion Stab/Regular
Soaring Shot/Regular
Dance of Ruin/Expert
Force Assault/Expert
Force Drive/Expert
Infernal Stigma/A.Expert
Abyssal Crystal/Master
Force Impact/A.Master
Infernal Impact/G.Master

Force Blader Skills (Magic)
Earth Guard/Novice
Fire Blade/Apprentice
Guard Break/Regular
Ice Blade/Expert
Wind Movement/Expert
Lower Defense/Expert
Aqua Vitality/Expert
Lightning Blade/Expert

Upgrade Skills
Upgrade skills are passive skills that add to your abilities without even using them.

Vitality Mastery/Novice+ - Increase max HP
Mana Mastery/Novice+ - Increase max MP
Reflex/Apprentice+ - Increase defense rate
Sharp Eyes/Apprentice+ - Increase hit rate
Offensive Sense/Regular+ - Increase physical damage
Defensive Sense/Regular+ - Increase defense
Force Control/Regular+ - Increase magical damage
Change Force (Sword to Magic)/Expert - Sword skill exp becomes magic skill exp
Change Force (Magic to Sword/Expert - Magic skill exp becomes sword skill exp
Impact Control/G.Master+ - Greatly increase physical damage
Damage Absorb/G.Master+ - Greatly increase defense
Eyes of Mind/G.Master+ - Greatly increase hit rate
Sixth Sense/G.Master+ - Greatly increase defense rate
Ruling Force/G.Master+ - Greatly increase magical damage.

**The G.Master upgrade skills can be stacked with the other upgrade skills, so you can actually have 2 attack upgrade skills, 2 defense upgrade skills, etc.

Stats and Character Rank

Stat growth tables
Here is a list of tables for each class as to what each stat does for you. Using the tables, you can create your own stat build with only a few limitations.

Warrior | Str | Int | Dex | HP | MP |
Base Stats| 24 | 3 | 8 | 50 | 20 |
Atk......... | 0.3 | -- | 0.2 | -- | -- |
Magic...... | 0.1 | 0.3 | 0.1 | -- | -- |
Def......... |0.143| -- |0.143| -- | -- |
Hit Rate... | 0.4 | 0.4 |1.75 | -- | -- |
Def Rate.. | 0.2 | 0.1 | 1 | -- | -- |

Force Blader | Str | Int | Dex | HP | MP |
Base Stats...... | 12 | 12 | 11 | 45 | 25 |
Atk................ |0.23 | 0.1 |0.23 | -- | -- |
Magic............. |0.15 | 0.3 |0.25 | -- | -- |
Def............... |0.125| 0.1 |0.125| -- | -- |
Hit Rate.......... | 0.4 | 0.4 |1.75 | -- | -- |
Def Rate......... | 0.1 | 0.1 | 1 | -- | -- |

Blader | Str | Int | Dex | HP | MP |
Base Stats| 16 | 3 | 16 | 50 | 20 |
Atk......... |0.25 | -- |0.25 | -- | -- |
Magic...... | 0.1 | 0.3 | 0.1 | -- | -- |
Def........ |0.167| -- |0.167| -- | -- |
Hit Rate... | 2 | 0.4 | 2 | -- | -- |
Def Rate. | 1.2 | 0.1 | 1.2 | -- | -- |

Force Archer | Str | Int | Dex | HP | MP |
Base Stats...... | 6 | 17 | 12 | 40 | 30 |
Atk................ | 0.2 | 0.1 |0.143| -- | -- |
Magic............. | -- | 0.3 |0.182| -- | -- |
Def.............. |0.125|0.071|0.125| -- | -- |
Hit Rate.......... | 0.4 | 0.4 |1.75 | -- | -- |
Def Rate......... | 0.1 |0.153| 1 | -- | -- |

Wizard | Str | Int | Dex | HP | MP |
Base Stats| 3 | 26 | 6 | 40 | 30 |
Atk......... | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.1 | -- | -- |
Magic...... | -- |0.333| 0.1 | -- | -- |
Def........ |0.125|0.071|0.125| -- | -- |
Hit Rate... | 0.4 | 0.4 |1.75 | -- | -- |
Def Rate.. |0.143| 0.4 | 1 | -- | -- |

Force Shielder | Str | Int | Dex | HP | MP |
Base Stats........ | 15 | 11 | 9 | 45 | 25 |
Atk................. |0.25 | 0.1 |0.23 | -- | -- |
Magic............. |0.05 |0.286|0.25 | -- | -- |
Def................ |0.25 |0.111|0.182| -- | -- |
Hit Rate........... | 0.4 | 0.4 |1.75 | -- | -- |
Def Rate.......... | 0.2 | 0.1 | 1 | -- | -- |

Class Up Requirements
Every 10 levels you are given the opportunity to increase your class rank. Increasing class rank is essential for obtaining special skills and sometimes give you hefty rewards as well. At levels 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60, you must have the minimum stats that your character window (C) provides. After level 60, the stat requirement for class up is gone, so you can start to branch off in whatever stat build you want.

Combo Mode
After completing the level 10 class up quests, you obtain combo mode. Combo mode allows you to execute skills quicker than normal and deal a greater amount of damage as well. Make sure that your cool down times are low enough for your skills so that you may keep a continuous flow of combo. Here is how the combo meter works.

First of all, this is what your meter looks like as soon as you initiate combo.


In combo, there are a few levels of combo success. Miss, Good, Great, and Excellent. The better your timing, the more damage you deal.

Let's start with the miss scenarios

[///.......................|............|.......] Pressing too early or
[//////////////////////|//////////|//////] Pressing too late.

Good scenarios

[///////////////////...|............|........] Pressing somewhere near the first bar or
[/////////////////////|///////////|////...] Pressing slightly too far after the second bar.

Great scenarios

[/////////////////////|////////...|........] Pressing somewhere near the second bar or
[/////////////////////|///////////|//.....] Pressing just after the second bar.

Excellent scenario

[/////////////////////|//////////|........] Pressing right on the second bar.

Also, as your combo counter increases, the range of success shrinks and the speed at which the meter fills increases.

1-5 Combo
[...............................|...........|...... .] Fills to full in .5 seconds. (All times are approximate).

6-10 Combo
[........................................|.....|... .] Fills to full in .35 seconds.

11-Infinity Combo
[.............................................|..|. .] Fills to full in .25 seconds.

Aura Mode
After completing your level 20 class up, you obtain Aura Mode. Aura mode has several elemental appearances, such as water, fire, and wind. Please note that the elements are PURELY GRAPHICAL. The element you choose does not affect the stats you get and any advantages over other elements (it's not Pokemon folks). Basically, aura mode is a temporary god mode that boosts all your stats by a certain amount. Useful when you need to tank a roomful of strong monsters in a dungeon.

Battle Mode I
Berserker/Warrior - Increases your abilities by even more than what aura mode can provide.
Illusionist/Blader - Increases your abilities by even more than what aura mode can provide.
Chain Caster/Wizard - Increases your abilities by even more than what aura mode can provide.
Multi Shooter/Force Archer - Allows you to attack many opponents at once and boosts your abilities.
Counter Attacker/Force Shielder - Deals damage back to whatever attacks you and also boosts your abilities.
Force Enchanter/Force Blader - Enchant your weapon with force to increase your abilities.

Battle Mode II
Lancer/Warrior - Transform your sword into a giant astral lance. Abilities are enhanced beyond Battle Mode I.
Lance Drive - Throw your lance to deal ranged AoE damage.

Grappler/Blader - Transform your dual swords into dual astral claws. Abilities are enhanced beyond Battle Mode I.
Crushing Blow - A deadly skill that can 1 hit KO many monsters when a critical hit is dealt. If a critical hit is not achieved, intense damage is still dealt. Max damage with critical is around 6k, so it cannot 1 hit KO everything.

Double Caster/Wizard - Transform your dual orbs into astral orbs. You can now target 2 different monsters with your magic spells.
Elemental Festival - A storm of every type of element casted upon a mob at once. An incredible AoE skill that deals very heavy damage.

Twin Gunner/Force Archer - Transform your bow into dual astral guns. Each gun can target 1 opponent, or both guns can target 1 opponent.
Fatal Shot - Similar to crushing blow, fatal shot aims for the vitals of a target with crosshairs and deals intense damage, but does not deal instant KO with critical hits.

Shield Master/Force Shielder - Transform both your sword and your shield into one huge needle serated shield. You attack by throwing your shield like a boomerang.
Shield Storm - Raise your shield towards the sky and cast lightning down upon everyone around you. Deals full 360 degree area of damage.

Blade Shooter/Force Blader - Transform your orb into an astral cannon. This is one of the few battle mode IIs that allow you to use your normal skills.
Prismatic Blade Cannon - Charge the cannon by using 1 skill and then fire it at a single target. It is weaker than crushing blow and fatal shot, but it can be used much more often.


Equipment Materials
Here are all of the equips. In each division, the weapons or armors are listed from strongest to weakest.

Great Swords

Great Sword
Attack Strength:6
Magic Attack Strength:4
Warrior Requirements: 26 STR / 3 INT / 3 DEX

Iron Great Sword
Attack Strength0
Magic Attack Strength:15
Warrior Requirements: 74 STR / 8 INT / 8 DEX

Damascus Great Sword
Attack Strength:54
Magic Attack Strength:27
Warrior Requirements: 129 STR / 14 INT / 14 DEX

Shadowsteel Great Sword
Attack Strength:78
Magic Attack Strength8
Warrior Requirements: 187 STR / 21 INT / 21 DEX

Bluestin Great Sword
Attack Strength:102
Magic Attack Strength:50
Warrior Requirements: 248 STR / 28 INT / 28 DEX

Titanium Great Sword
Attack Strength:126
Magic Attack Strength:62
Warrior Requirements: 312 STR / 35 INT / 35 DEX

Shadowtitanium Great Sword
Attack Strength:150
Magic Attack Strength:73
Warrior Requirements: 312 STR / 35 INT / 35 DEX

Osmium Great Sword
Attack Strength:174
Magic Attack Strength:85
Warrior Requirements: 438 STR / 49 INT / 49 DEX

Red Osmium Great Sword
Attack Strength:198
Magic Attack Strength:97
Warrior Requirements: 438 STR / 49 INT / 49 DEX / Lv.99

Mithril Great Sword
Attack Strength:222
Magic Attack Strength:109
Warrior Requirements: 540 STR / 60 INT / 60 DEX / Lv.115


Attack Strength:6
Magic Attack Strength:4
Warrior Requirements: 20 STR / 3 INT / 9 DEX

Iron Daikatana
Attack Strength:29
Magic Attack Strength:16
Warrior Requirements: 58 STR / 8 INT / 25 DEX

Damascus Daikatana
Attack Strength:53
Magic Attack Strength:28
Warrior Requirements: 101 STR / 14 INT / 43 DEX

Shadowsteel Daikatana
Attack Strength:76
Magic Attack Strength:40
Warrior Requirements: 146 STR / 21 INT / 62 DEX

Bluestin Daikatana
Attack Strength:100
Magic Attack Strength:52
Warrior Requirements: 193 STR / 28 INT / 83 DEX

Titanium Daikatana
Attack Strength:124
Magic Attack Strength:64
Warrior Requirements: 242 STR / 35 INT / 104 DEX

Shadowtitanium Daikatana
Attack Strength:147
Magic Attack Strength:76
Warrior Requirements: 242 STR / 35 INT / 104 DEX

Osmium Daikatana
Attack Strength:171
Magic Attack Strength:88
Warrior Requirements: 340 STR / 49 INT / 146 DEX

Red Osmium Daikatana
Attack Strength:195
Magic Attack Strength:100
Warrior Requirements: 340 STR / 49 INT / 146 DEX / Lv.99

Mithril Daikatana
Attack Strength:219
Magic Attack Strength: 112
Warrior Requirements: 460 STR / 60 INT / 180 DEX / Lv.115


Attack Strength
Magic Attack Strength
Blader Requirements: 17 STR / 3 INT / 12 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 15 STR / 12 INT / 6 DEX

Iron Blade
Attack Strength:15
Magic Attack Strength:13
Blader Requirements: 50 STR / 8 INT / 33 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 41 STR / 33 INT / 17 DEX

Damascus Blade
Attack Strength:27
Magic Attack Strength:25
Blader Requirements: 86 STR / 14 INT / 57 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 72 STR / 57 INT / 29 DEX

Shadowsteel Blade
Attack Strength9
Magic Attack Strength5
Blader Requirements: 125 STR / 21 INT / 83 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 104 STR / 83 INT / 42 DEX

Bluestin Blade
Attack Strength:51
Magic Attack Strength:46
Blader Requirements: 165 STR / 28 INT / 110 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 138 STR / 110 INT / 55 DEX

Titanium Blade
Attack Strength:63
Magic Attack Strength:57
Blader Requirements: 208 STR / 35 INT / 139 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 173 STR / 139 INT / 69 DEX

Shadowtitanium Blade
Attack Strength:75
Magic Attack Strength:68
Blader Requirements: 208 STR / 35 INT / 139 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 173 STR / x139INT / 69 DEX

Osmium Blade
Attack Strength:87
Magic Attack Strength:79
Blader Requirements: 292 STR / 49 INT / 195 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 243 STR / 195 INT / 97 DEX

Red Osmium Blade
Attack Strength:99
Magic Attack Strength:91
Blader Requirements: 292 STR / 49 INT / 195 DEX / Lv.99
Force Shielder Requirements: 243 STR / 195 INT / 97 DEX / Lv.99

Mithril Blade
Attack Strength:111
Magic Attack Strength:103
Blader Requirements: 360 STR / 60 INT / 240 DEX / Lv.115
Force Shielder Requirements: 300 STR / 240 INT / 120 DEX / Lv.115


Attack Strength
Magic Attack Strength
Blader Requirements: 12 STR / 3 INT / 17 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 12 STR / 9 INT / 12 DEX

Iron Katana
Attack Strength:15
Magic Attack Strength:14
Blader Requirements: 33 STR / 8 INT / 50 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 33 STR / 25 INT / 33 DEX

Damascus Katana
Attack Strength:26
Magic Attack Strength:26
Blader Requirements: 57 STR / 14 INT / 86 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 57 STR / 43 INT / 57 DEX

Shadowsteel Katana
Attack Strength8
Magic Attack Strength7
Blader Requirements: 83 STR / 21 INT / 125 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 83 STR / 62 INT / 83 DEX

Bluestin Katana
Attack Strength:50
Magic Attack Strength:48
Blader Requirements: 110 STR / 28 INT / 165 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 110 STR / 83 INT / 110 DEX

Titanium Katana
Attack Strength:62
Magic Attack Strength:59
Blader Requirements: 139 STR / 35 INT / 208 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 139 STR / 104 INT / 139 DEX

Shadowtitanium Katana
Attack Strength:74
Magic Attack Strength:70
Blader Requirements: 139 STR / 35 INT / 208 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 139 STR / 104 INT / 139 DEX

Osmium Katana
Attack Strength:86
Magic Attack Strength:82
Blader Requirements: 195 STR / 49 INT / 292 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 195 STR / 146 INT / 195 DEX

Red Osmium Katana
Attack Strength:97
Magic Attack Strength:94
Blader Requirements: 195 STR / 49 INT / 292 DEX / Lv.99
Force Blader Requirements: 195 STR / 146 INT / 195 DEX / Lv.99

Mithril Katana
Attack Strength:109
Magic ATtack Strength:106
Blader Requirements: 240 STR / 60 INT / 360 DEX / Lv.115
Force Blader Requirements: 240 STR / 180 INT / 240 DEX / Lv.115


Crude Orb
Attack Strength:2
Magic Attack Strength:4
Wizard Requirements: 3 STR / 23 INT / 6 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 9 STR / 12 INT / 12 DEX

Red Orb
Attack Strength:13
Magic Attack Strength:16
Wizard Requirements: 8 STR / 66 INT / 17 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 25 STR / 33 INT / 33 DEX

Coraleye Orb
Attack Strength:24
Magic Attack Strength:28
Wizard Requirements: 14 STR / 115 INT / 29 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 43 STR / 57 INT / 57 DEX

Citrine Orb
Attack Strength5
Magic Attack Strength:40
Wizard Requirements: 21 STR / 167 INT / 42 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 62 STR / 83 INT / 83 DEX

Bluestin Orb
Attack Strength:46
Magic Attack Strength:52
Wizard Requirements: 28 STR / 220 INT / 55 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 28 STR / 110 INT / 110 DEX

Pherystin Orb
Attack Strength:57
Magic Attack Strength:64
Wizard Requirements: 35 STR / 227 INT / 69 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 104 STR / 139 INT / 139 DEX

Aqua Orb
Attack Strength:68
Magic Attack Strength:76
Wizard Requirements: 35 STR / 227 INT / 69 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 104 STR / 139 INT / 139 DEX

Lapis Orb
Attack Strength:80
Magic Attack Strength:88
Wizard Requirements: 49 STR / 389 INT / 97 DEX
Force Blader Requirements: 146 STR / 195 INT / 195 DEX

Topaz Orb
Attack Strength:91
Magic Attack Strength:100
Wizard Requirements: 49 STR / 389 INT / 97 DEX / Lv.99
Force Blader Requirements: 146 STR / 195 INT / 195 DEX / Lv.99

Mithril Orb
Attack Strength: 103
Magic Attack Strength:112
Wizard Requirements: 60 STR / 480 INT / 120 DEX / Lv.115
Force Blader Requirements: 180 STR / 240 INT / 240 DEX / Lv.115


Crude Crystal
Attach Strength:2
Magic Attack Strength:4
Force Shielder Requirements: 12 STR / 12 INT / 9 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 6 STR / 17 INT / 9 DEX

Red Crystal
Attach Strength:13
Magic Attack Strength:15
Force Shielder Requirements: 33 STR / 33 INT / 25 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 17 STR / 50 INT / 25 DEX

Coraleye Crystal
Attach Strength:25
Magic Attack Strength:27
Force Shielder Requirements: 57 STR / 57 INT / 43 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 29 STR / 86 INT / 43 DEX

Citrine Crystal
Attach Strength6
Magic Attack Strength8
Force Shielder Requirements: 83 STR / 83 INT / 62 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 42 STR / 125 INT / 62 DEX

Bluestin Crystal
Attach Strength:47
Magic Attack Strength:50
Force Shielder Requirements: 110 STR / 110 INT / 83 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 55 STR / 165 INT / 83 DEX

Pherystin Crystal
Attach Strength:58
Magic Attack Strength:62
Force Shielder Requirements: 135 STR / 135 INT / 104 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 69 STR / 208 INT / 104 DEX

Aqua Crystal
Attach Strength:69
Magic Attack Strength:73
Force Shielder Requirements: 135 STR / 135 INT / 104 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 69 STR / 208 INT / 104 DEX

Lapis Crystal
Attach Strength:81
Magic Attack Strength:85
Force Shielder Requirements: 195 STR / 195 INT / 146 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 97 STR / 292 INT / 146 DEX

Topaz Crystal
Attach Strength:93
Magic Attack Strength:97
Force Shielder Requirements: 195 STR / 195 INT / 146 DEX / Lv.99
Force Archer Requirements: 97 STR / 292 INT / 146 DEX / Lv.99

Mithril Crystal
Attack Strength:105
Magic Attack Strength:109
Force Shielder Requirements: 240 STR / 240 INT / 180 DEX / Lv.115
Force Archer Requirements: 120 STR / 360 INT / 180 DEX / Lv.115

All stat requirements are for the body piece of armor, which requires the most. There are a total of 4 pieces of armor for each set, and every piece adds the same amount of defense and defense rate. Divide the total defense/defense rates by 4 to get individual piece stats. Equiping a full set results in a +3 defense, +3 defense rate bonus.

Armor set

Total Defense:8
Total Defense Rate:8
Warrior Requirements: 43 STR / 5 INT / 11 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 27 STR / 21 INT / 11 DEX

Reinforced Armorset
Total Defense:44
Total Defense Rate:52
Warrior Requirements: 66 STR / 8 INT / 17 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 41 STR / 33 INT / 17 DEX

Iron Armorset
Total Defense:76
Total Defense Rate:100
Warrior Requirements: 115 STR / 14 INT / 29 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 72 STR / 57 INT / 29 DEX

Shadowsteel Armorset
Total Defense:112
Total Defense Rate:144
Warrior Requirements: 167 STR / 21 INT / 42 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 104 STR / 83 INT / 42 DEX

Bluestin Armorset
Total Defense:144
Total Defense Rate:188
Warrior Requirements: 220 STR / 28 INT / 53 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 138 STR / 110 INT / 53 DEX

Titanium Armorset
Total Defense:176
Total Defense Rate:232
Warrior Requirements: 277 STR / 35 INT / 69 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 173 STR / 139 INT / 69 DEX

Osmium Armorset
Total Defense:256
Total Defense Rate00
Warrior Requirements: 389 STR / 49 INT / 97 DEX
Force Shielder Requirements: 243 STR / 195 INT / 97 DEX

Shineguard Armorset
Total Defense20
Total Defense Rate96
Warrior Requirements: 389 STR / 49 INT / 97 DEX / Lv.99
Force Shielder Requirements: 243 STR / 195 INT / 97 DEX / Lv.99

Mithril Armorset
Total Defense92
total Defense Rate:484
Warrior Requirements: 553 STR / 69 INT / 138 DEX / Lv.115
Force Shielder Requirements: 346 STR / 227 INT / 138 DEX / Lv.115

Battle Set

Battle Set
Total Defense:8
Total Defense Rate:12
Force Blader Requirements: 21 STR / 21 INT / 16 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 11 STR / 27 INT / 21 DEX

Reinforced Battle Set
Total Defense:40
Total Defense Rate:60
Force Blader Requirements: 33 STR / 33 INT / 25 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 17 STR / 41 INT / 33 DEX

Silk Battle Set
Total Defense:72
Total Defense Rate:108
Force Blader Requirements: 57 STR / 57 INT / 43 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 29 STR / 72 INT / 57 DEX

Aramid Battle Set
Total Defense:104
Total Defense Rate:156
Force Blader Requirements: 83 STR / 83 INT / 62 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 42 STR / 104 INT / 83 DEX

Bluestin Battle Set
Total Defense:136
Total Defense Rate:204
Force Blader Requirements: 110 STR / 110 INT / 83 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 55 STR / 138 INT / 110 DEX

Titanium Battle Set
Total Defense:168
Total Defense Rate:252
Force Blader Requirements: 139 STR / 139 INT / 69 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 69 STR / 173 INT / 139 DEX

Osmium Battle Set
Total Defense:232
Total Defense Rate48
Force Blader Requirements: 195 STR / 195 INT / 146 DEX
Force Archer Requirements: 97 STR / 243 INT / 195 DEX

Terragrace Battle Set
Total Defense:296
Total Defense Rate:444
Force Blader Requirements: 195 STR / 195 INT / 146 DEX / Lv.99
Force Archer Requirements: 97 STR / 243 INT / 195 DEX / Lv.99

Mithril Battleset
Total Defense60
Total Defense Rate:540
Force Blade Requirements: 277 STR / 277 INT / 208 DEX / Lv.115
Force Archer Requirements: 138 STR / 346 INT / 277 DEX / Lv.115

Martial Set

Martial Set
Total Defense:8
Total Defense Rate:16
Blader Requirements: 27 STR / 5 INT / 27 DEX
Wizard Requirements: 5 STR / 48 INT / 5 DEX

Reinforced Martial Set
Total Defense6
Total Defense Rate:76
Blader Requirements: 41 STR / 8 INT / 41 DEX
Wizard Requirements: 8 STR / 74 INT / 8 DEX

Silk Martial Set
Total Defense:68
Total Defense Rate:132
Blader Requirements: 72 STR / 14 INT / 72 DEX
Wizard Requirements: 14 STR / 129 INT / 14 DEX

Aramid Martial Set
Total Defense:96
Total Defense Rate:188
Blader Requirements: 104 STR / 21 INT / 104 DEX
Wizard Requirements: 21 STR / 187 INT / 21 DEX

Bluestin Martial Set
Total Defense:128
Total Defense Rate:244
Blader Requirements: 138 STR / 28 INT / 138 DEX
Wizard Requirements: 28 STR / 248 INT / 28 DEX

Titanium Martial Set
Total Defense:160
Total Defense Rate00
Blader Requirements: 173 STR / 35 INT / 173 DEX
Wizard Requirements: 35 STR / 312 INT / 35 DEX

Osmium Martial Set
Total Defense:208
Total Defense Rate:460
Blader Requirements: 243 STR / 49 INT / 243 DEX
Wizard Requirements: 49 STR / 438 INT / 49 DEX

Mystic Martial Set
Total Defense:272
Total Defense Rate:572
Blader Requirements: 243 STR / 49 INT / 243 DEX / Lv.99
Wizard Requirements: 49 STR / 438 INT / 49 DEX / Lv.99

Mithril Martial Set
Total Defense: 328
Total Defense Rate: 684
Blader Requirements: 346 STR / 69 INT / 346 DEX / Lv.115
Wizard Requirements: 69 STR / 623 INT / 69 DEX / Lv.115

Upgrading Equips
Upgrading equips simply require a core and a right click, it's that simple.

Low core = anything up to aramid level
Med core = anything up to titanium level
High core = anything up to red osmium level
Highest core = anything

Every time you succeed in upgrading, you gain +3 defense and +3 defense rate on your armor, +3 attack and +2 magic attack and +? on your attack rate on one hand sword type weapons, +6 attack and +2 magic attack on two hand sword type weapons, and +2 attack and +3 magic attack on magic weapons. The maximum + on equips is +7, and the higher you go, the shinier it gets. Also, +6 and +7 add double the stats previously listed.

+0 to +1 - Fail = nothing happens
+1 to +2 - Fail = nothing happens
+2 to +3 - Fail = nothing happens
+3 to +4 - Fail = nothing happens
+4 to +5 - Fail = -1 to +3
+5 to +6 - Fail = -1 to +4
+6 to +7 - Fail = -6 to +0
*Items can NEVER break.

So, be very very sure of your decision when you upgrade to that +7 rank, because it fails more often than not.

To upgrade an equip, simply right click the core, and then drag it onto the item you wish to upgrade, and click on it. Be aware that the stat requirements of your equip will increase when you upgrade it as well.

Slotted Equips
Equips can be zero slotted, single slotted, or double slotted. These slots can be filled with different stats such as extra HP, extra defense, and extra defense rate (there are more). Single slotted items and double slotted ones have exactly the same stat, which is the same as zero slotted +2. There are also 2 different levels of upgrades, level 1 and level 2 upgrades. Level 1 upgrades can be gotten using catalysts, but level 2 upgrades are gotten using 2 force cores or more. Using 2 force cores give you a 25% chance of getting a level 2 upgrade, and these upgrades are random in nature.

Also, for catalysts, you can use equipments that are 1 level lower than them. However, they need to be slotted. That means, if you want to slot a Red Osmium item, you would need a osmium grade slotted item as catalyst.

And, the second slot actually only needs 1 force core, but the chance of upgrading is lower than when upgrading the first slot.

In order to fill slots in an equip, you must take it to the core alchemist in any of the towns.

Crafting Equips
Equips can be crafted with 6 different attributes.
[Item name] of Vampire (absorbs a % of HP based on your damage).
[Item name] of Recovery (auto heal at a certain % and rate).
[Item name] of Destruction (increases attack and magic attack randomly).
[Item name] of Amp. (increases the skill amp % which increases skill damage).
[Item name] of Adept (increases amount of skill exp gained per skill use).
[Item name] of Deathblow (adds either critical hit rate or critical damage).

Crafting requires many materials such as the extracted cores of the material you will be using, shape cartridges, and various other goodies (when I find out what those goodies are I will update this part). Getting material cores is simple. At level 50 you obtain something called a C.A transmuter. If you right click on the transmuter then click on an equip, it will extract the equip into material cores. Using those material cores and various other ingredients (they will be listed when you try to craft), you now click on the C.A. Transmuter, select the equipment you wish to make, and hope that you get a good one. Crafting can end in different results. For example, for adept items, you can get skill exp +1, +2, +3, or +4. The higher crafting experience level you have, the better chance you will have of making the good kind. After you craft enough, you will reach 100% for your craft level and craft a proof item. When you take that proof item to the Port Lux Magic Dealer, you will increase your crafting level. That means you must master aramid before you can craft bluestin, then you must master bluestin before you can craft titanium...etc. Be aware that crafting items requires honor points. These honor points can be restored by doing quests with a Plate of Honor or by wagering honor in a PvP and winning. Crafted equips can sometimes also have slots if you are lucky enough, and it's those kinds of items that people aim for to be as strong as possible.

Epaulets are similar to capes. There are 3 kinds, Guardian for defense, Fighter for attack strength, and Sage for magic attack strength. Epaulets matched with the armorset appear as capes, epaulets matched with the battleset appear as trenchcoats, and epaulets matched with martial set appear as scarves. I will list every epaulet and the stats it adds.

Epaulet of Guardian (appears as the exact color of your armor)
+3/Aramid:Level 43 // Defense +5, Defense Rate +20, HP +50
+4/Bluestin:Level 56 // Defense +10, Defense Rate +25, Flee Rate +1%, HP +100
+5/Titanium:Level 69 // Defense +15, Defense Rate +30, Flee Rate +2%, HP +150
+5/Shadowtitanium:Level 75 // Defense +17, Defense Rate +32, Flee Rate +2%, HP +175
+6/Osmium:Level 82 // Defense +20, Defense Rate +35, Flee Rate +3%, HP +200
+7/Shineguard/Terragrace/Mystic:Level 95 // Defense +40, Defense Rate +40, Flee Rate +4%, HP +250
+8/Mithril:Level 115 // Defense +60, Defense Rate + 120, Flee Rate + 5%, HP +350

Epaulet of Fighter (appears as a red version of your armor)
+3/Aramid:Level 43 // Attack Strength +2, Attack Rate +20, HP +50 (Estimate)
+4/Bluestin:Level 56 // Attack Strength +5, Attack Rate +30, Sword Skill Amp. +1, HP +100 (Estimate)
+5/Titanium:Level 69 // Attack Strength +10, Attack Rate +40, Sword Skill Amp. +2%, HP +150
+5/Shadowtitanium:Level 75 // Attack Strength +15, Attack Rate +45, Sword Skill Amp. +2%, HP +175
+6/Osmium:Level 82 // Attack Strength +20, Attack Rate +50, Sword Skill Amp. +3%, HP +200
+7/SG/TG/MY:Level 95 // Attack Strength +40, Attack Rate +60, Sword Skill Amp. +4%, HP +250
+8/Mithril:Level 115 // Attack Strength +60, Attack Rate + 120, Sword Skill Amp. + 5%, HP +350

Epaulet of Sage (appears as a blue/purple version of your armor)
+3/Aramid:Level 43 // Magic Attack Strength +2, Attack Rate +20, HP +50 (Estimate)
+4/Bluestin:Level 56 // Magic Attack Strength +5, Attack Rate +30, Magic Skill Amp. +1, HP +100 (Estimate)
+5/Titanium:Level 69 // Magic Attack Strength +10, Attack Rate +40, Magic Skill Amp. +2%, HP +150
+5/Shadowtitanium:Level 75 // Magic Attack Strength +15, Attack Rate + 45, Magic Skill Amp. +2%, HP +175
+6/Osmium:Level 82 // Magic Attack Strength +20, Attack Rate +50, Magic Skill Amp. +3%, HP +200
+7/SG/TG/MY:Level 95 // Magic Attack Strength +40, Attack Rate +60, Magic Skill Amp. +4%, HP +250
+8/Mithril:Level 115 // Magic Attack Strength +60, Attack Rate + 120, Magic Skill Amp. + 5%, HP +350

Accessories - Ring Collection
Ring of Luck
Lv 1 // Critical Rate +4%
Ring of Luck +1
Lv 27 // Critical Rate +7%
Ring of Luck +2
Lv 53 // Critical Rate +10%

Critical Ring
Lv 1 // Critical DMG +4%
Critical Ring +1
Lv 27 // Critical DMG +7%
Critical Ring +2
Lv 53 // Critical DMG +10%

Ring of Sage
Lv 1 // Magic Attack Strength +1
Ring of Sage +1
Lv 14 // Magic Attack Strength +2
Ring of Sage +2
Lv 27 // Magic Attack Strength +3, Attack Rate +10
Ring of Sage +3
Lv 40 // Magic Attack Strength +4, Attack Rate +20
Ring of Sage +4
Lv 53 // Magic Attack Strength +5, Attack Rate +30, Defense +10
Ring of Sage +5
Lv 66 // Magic Attack Strength +6, Attack Rate +40, Defense +12
Ring of Sage +6
Lv 79 // Magic Attack Strength +7, Attack Rate +50, Defense +14, All Stat +1
Ring of Sage +7
Lv 92 // Magic Attack Strength +8, Attack Rate +60, Defense +14, All Stat +2
Ring of Sage +8
Lv 99 // Magic Attack Strength +9, Attack Rate +70, Defense +16, All Stat +2
Ring of Sage +9
Lv 99 // Magic Attack Strength +10, Attack Rate +80, Defense +16, Critical DMG +5%
Ring of Sage +10
Lv 99 // Magic Attack Strength +13, Attack Rate +90, Defense +18, Critical DMG +10%
Ring of Champion

Ring of Champion
Lv 5 // Attack Strength +1, Magic Attack Strength +1
Ring of Champion +1
Lv 18 // Attack Strength +1, Magic Attack Strength +1, Critical Rate +5%
Ring of Champion +2
Lv 31 // Attack Strength +2, Magic Attack Strength +2, Critical Rate +5%
Ring of Champion +3
Lv 44 // Attack Strength +2, Magic Attack Strength +2, All Stat +1, Critical Rate +5%
Ring of Champion +4
Lv 57 // Attack Strength +3, Magic Attack Strength +3, All Stat +1, Critical Rate +5%
Ring of Champion +5
Lv 70 // Attack Strength +4, Magic Attack Strength +4, All Stat +1, Critical Rate +5%
Ring of Champion +6
Lv 83 // Attack Strength +5, Magic Attack Strength +5, All Stat +2, Critical Rate +5%
Ring of Champion +7
Lv 96 // Attack Strength +6, Magic Attack Strength +6, All Stat +2, Critical Rate +5%
Ring of Champion +8
Lv 99 // Attack Strength +8, Magic Attack Strength +8, All Stat +3, Critical Rate +5%
Ring of Champion +9
Lv 99 // Attack Strength +9, Magic Attack Strength +9, All Stat +3, Critical Rate +5%
Ring of Champion +10
Lv 99 // Attack Strength +10, Magic Attack Strength +10, All Stat +4, Critical Rate +5%

Ring of Fighter
Lv 1 // Attack Strength +1
Ring of Fighter +1
Lv 14 // Attack Strength +2
Ring of Fighter +2
Lv 27 // Attack Strength +3, Attack Rate +10
Ring of Fighter +3
Lv 40 // Attack Strength +4, Attack Rate +20
Ring of Fighter +4
Lv 53 // Attack Strength +5, Attack Rate +30, Defense +10
Ring of Fighter +5
Lv 66 // Attack Strength +6, Attack Rate +40, Defense +12
Ring of Fighter +6
Lv 79 // Attack Strength +7, Attack Rate +50, Defense +14, All Stat +1
Ring of Fighter +7
Lv 92 // Attack Strength +8, Attack Rate +50, Defense +14, All Stat +2
Ring of Fighter +8
Lv 99 // Attack Strength +9, Attack Rate +70, Defense +16, All Stat +2
Ring of Fighter +9
Lv 99 // Attack Strength +10, Attack Rate +80, Defense +16, Critical DMG +5%
Ring of Fighter +10
Lv 99 // Attack Strength +13, Attack Rate +90, Defense +18, Critical DMG +10%

Ring of Seven Coins
Lv 45 // ALZ Drop Rate +10%
Ring of Seven Coins +1
Lv 55 // ALZ Drop Rate +20%
Ring of Seven Coins +2
Lv 65 // ALZ Drop Rate +10%, 1Slot Drop Rate X1.2
Ring of Seven Coins +3
Lv 75 // ALZ Drop Rate 20%, 1Slot Drop Rate X1.4
Ring of Seven Coins +4
Lv 85 // ALZ Drop Rate 20%, 1Slot Drop Rate X1.6
Ring of Seven Coins +5
Lv 95 // ALZ Drop Rate 30%, 1Slot Drop Rate X1.2, 2Slot Drop Rate X2.5
Ring of Seven Coins +6
Lv 99 // ALZ Drop Rate 40%, 1Slot Drop Rate X1.4, 2Slot Drop Rate X3
Ring of Seven Coins +7
Lv 99 // ALZ Drop Rate 50%, 1Slot Drop Rate X1.6, 2Slot Drop Rate X3.5

Mana Absorb Ring
Lv 14 // Absorbs MP for +2% of DMG
Mana Absorb Ring +1
Lv 40 // Absorbs MP for +3% of DMG
Mana Absorb Ring +2
Lv 66 // Absorbs MP for +4% of DMG
Mana Absorb Ring +3
Lv 92 // Absorbs MP for +5% of DMG

Life Absorb Ring
Lv 14 // Absorbs HP for +2% of DMG
Life Absorb Ring +1
Lv 40 // Absorbs HP for +3% of DMG
Life Absorb Ring +2
Lv 66 // Absorbs HP for +4% of DMG
Life Absorb Ring +3
Lv 92 // Absorbs HP for +5% of DMG

Force Absorb Ring
Lv 14 // Absorbs HP & MP for +2% of DMG
Force Absorb Ring +1
Lv 53 // Absorbs HP & MP for +3% of DMG
Force Absorb Ring +2
Lv 92 // Absorbs HP & MP for +4% of DMG
Force Absorb Ring +3
Lv 99 // Absorbs HP & MP for +5% of DMG
Force Absorb Ring +4
Lv 99 // Absorbs HP & MP for +5% of DMG, Defense +5
Force Absorb Ring +5
Lv 99 // Absorbs HP & MP for +5%, Defense +10

Extortion Ring
Lv 50 // Attack Strength +2, Magic Attack Strength +2, Absorbs HP & MP for 1% of DMG
Extortion Ring +1
Lv 60 // Attack Strength +3, Magic Attack Strength +3, Absorbs HP & MP for 1% of DMG
Extortion Ring +2
Lv 70 // Attack Strength +4, Magic Attack Strength +4, Absorbs HP & MP for 2% of DMG
Extortion Ring +3
Lv 80 // Attack Strength +5, Magic Attack Strength +5, Absorbs HP & MP for 2% of DMG
Extortion Ring +4
Lv 90 // Attack Strength +6, Magic Attack Strength +6, Absorbs HP & MP for 3% of DMG
Extortion Ring +5
Lv 99 // Attack Strength +7, Magic Attack Strength +7, Absorbs HP & MP for 3% of DMG

Adept Ring
Lv 40 // Skill EXP +2
Adept Ring +1
Lv 55 // Skill EXP +3
Adept Ring +2
Lv 70 // Skill EXP +4
Adept Ring +3
Lv 85 // Skill EXP +5

Ring of Brute
Lv 70 // Attack Strength +6, Attack Rate +40, Defense +12, Defense Rate +20
Ring of Brute +1
Lv 80 // Attack Strength +7, Attack Rate +50, Defense +14, Defense Rate +25
Ring of Brute +2
Lv 90 // Attack Strength +8, Attack Rate +60, Defense +14, Defense Rate +30
Ring of Brute +3
Lv 99 // Attack Strength +9, Attack Rate +70, Defense +14, Defense Rate +35

Ring of Serenity
Lv 70 // Magic Attack Strength +6, Attack Rate +40, Defense +12, Defense Rate +20
Ring of Serenity +1
Lv 80 // Magic Attack Strength +7, Attack Rate +50, Defense +14, Defense Rate +25
Ring of Serenity +2
Lv 90 // Magic Attack Strength +8, Attack Rate +60, Defense +14, Defense Rate +30
Ring of Serenity +3
Lv 99 // Magic Attack Strength +9, Attack Rate +70, Defense +14, Defense Rate +35

Accessories - Amulet Collection
Amulet of Strength
Lv 1 // STR +1
Power Amulet
Lv 27 // STR +4
Ogre Power Amulet
Lv 53 // STR +7
Atlas Amulet
Lv 79 // STR +10

Amulet of Intelligence
Lv 1 // INT +1
Smart Amulet
Lv 27 // INT +4
Genius Amulet
Lv 53 // INT +7
Enlightenment Amulet
Lv 79 // INT +10

Amulet of Dexterity
Lv1 // DEX +1
Fast Amulet
Lv27 // DEX +4
Rapid Amulet
Lv53 // DEX +7
Quickness Amulet
Lv79 // DEX +10

Amulet of Bless
Lv14 // All Stat +1
Amulet of Bless +1
Lv40 // All Stat +2
Amulet of Bless +2
Lv66 // All Stat +3
Amulet of Bless +3
Lv92 // All Stat +4

Amulet of Seven Coins
Lv45 // ALZ Drop Rate +20%
Amulet of Seven Coins +1
Lv55 // ALZ Drop Rate +40%
Amulet of Seven Coins +2
Lv65 // ALZ Drop Rate +20%, 1Slot Drop Rate X1.2
Amulet of Seven Coins +3
Lv75 // ALZ Drop Rate +40%, 1Slot Drop Rate X1.4
Amulet of Seven Coins +4
Lv85 // ALZ Drop Rate +40%, 1Slot Drop Rate X1.6
Amulet of Seven Coins +5
Lv95 // ALZ Drop Rate +60%, 1Slot Drop Rate X1.2, 2Slot Drop Rate X4
Amulet of Seven Coins +6
Lv99 // ALZ Drop Rate +80%, 1Slot Drop Rate X1.4, 2Slot Drop Rate X5
Amulet of Seven Coins +7
Lv99 // ALZ Drop Rate +100%, 1Slot Drop Rate X1.6, 2Slot Drop Rate X6

Force Regeneration Amulet
Lv40 // HP & MP Regen. +1
Force Regeneration Amulet +1
Lv66 // HP & MP Regen. +2
Force Regeneration Amulet +2
Lv92 // HP & MP Regen. +4
Force Regeneration Amulet +3
Lv99 // HP & MP Regen. +6, Defense +5
Force Regeneration Amulet +4
Lv99 // HP & MP Regen. +7, Defense +10, Defense Rate +20
Force Regeneration Amulet +5
Lv99 // HP & MP Regen. +8, Defense +10, Defense Rate +25
Force Regeneration Amulet +6
Lv99 // HP & MP Regen. +9, Defense +10, Defense Rate +30
Force Regeneration Amulet +7
Lv99 // HP & MP Regen. +10%, Defense +15, Defense Rate +35

Life Regeneration Amulet
Lv27 // HP Regen. +2
Life Regeneration Amulet+1
Lv53 // HP Regen. +4
Life Regeneration Amulet+2
Lv79 // HP Regen. +6

Mana Regeneration Amulet
Lv27 // MP Regen. +2
Mana Regeneration Amulet +1
Lv53 // MP Regen. +4
Mana Regeneration Amulet +2
Lv79 // MP Regen. +6

Amulet of Guard
Lv8 // Defense +1
Amulet of Guard +1
Lv21 // Defense +3
Amulet of Guard +2
Lv34 // Defense +5
Amulet of Guard +3
Lv47 // Defense +7
Amulet of Guard +4
Lv60 // Defense +9, Defense Rate +10
Amulet of Guard +5
Lv73 // Defense +11, Defense Rate +20
Amulet of Guard +6
Lv86 // Defense +13, Defense Rate +30
Amulet of Guard +7
Lv99 // Defense +15, Defense Rate +40
Amulet of Guard +8
Lv99 // Defense +17, Defense Rate +50
Amulet of Guard +9
Lv99 // Defense +17, Defense Rate +60, Flee Rate +1%
Amulet of Guard +10
Lv99 // Defense +20, Defense Rate +30, Flee Rate +2%

Amulet of Pain
Lv45 // Defense +5, Critical Rate Limit +1
Amulet of Pain +1
Lv55 // Defense +5, Critical Rate Limit +2
Amulet of Pain +2
Lv65 // Defense +10, Critical Rate Limit +3
Amulet of Pain +3
Lv75 // Defense +10, Critical Rate Limit +4
Amulet of Pain +4
Lv85 // Defense +10, Defense Rate +10, Critical DMG +5, Critical Rate Limit +1
Amulet of Pain +5
Lv95 // Defense +11, Defense Rate +20, Critical DMG +5,
Critical Rate Limit +2
Amulet of Pain +6
Lv99 // Defense +12, Defense Rate +30, Critical DMG +10, Critical Rate Limit +3
Amulet of Pain +7
Lv99 // Defense +15, Defense Rate +40, Critical DMG +10, Critical Rate Limit +4

Adept Amulet
Lv40 // Skill EXP +4
Adept Amulet +1
Lv55 // Skill EXP +6
Adept Amulet +2
Lv70 // Skill EXP +8
Adept Amulet +3
Lv85 // Skill EXP +10

Vampiric Amulet
Lv50 // Increases HP absorption limit +20, Increases MP absorption limit +20
Vampiric Amulet +1
Lv60 // Increases HP absorption limit +25, Increases MP absorption limit +25
Vampiric Amulet +2
Lv70 // Increases HP absorption limit +30, Increases MP absorption limit +30, Defense +5
Vampiric Amulet +3
Lv80 // Increases HP absorption limit +40, Increases MP absorption limit +40, Defense +10
Vampiric Amulet +4
Lv90 // Increases HP absorption limit +40, Increases MP absorption limit +40, Defense +10,Defense Rate +10
Vampiric Amulet +5
Lv99 // Increases HP absorption limit +45, Increases MP absorption limit +45, Defense +10,Defense Rate +20
Vampiric Amulet +6
Lv99 // Increases HP absorption limit +50, Increases MP absorption limit +50, Defense +15,Defense Rate +30

Amulet of Battler
Lv40 // HP +20, MP +20
Amulet of Battler +1
Lv50 // HP +30, MP +30
Amulet of Battler +2
Lv60 // HP +40, MP +40, Defense +5
Amulet of Battler +3
Lv70 // HP +50, MP +50, Defense +5
Amulet of Battler +4
Lv80 // HP +60, MP +60, Defense +5
Amulet of Battler +5
Lv90 // HP +70, MP +70, Defense +10
Amulet of Battler +6
Lv95 // HP +80, MP +80, Defense +10
Amulet of Battler +7
Lv99 // HP +100, MP +100, Defense +10, Defense Rate +20
Amulet of Battler +8
Lv99 // HP +120, MP +120, Defense +10, Defense Rate +30
Amulet of Battler +9
Lv99 // HP +150, MP +150, Defense +15, Defense Rate +40

Accessories - Earring Collection
Earring of Guard
Lv 105 Honor Lv 4 // Defense +4, Defense Rate +5
Earring of Guard +1
Lv 112 Honor Lv 5 // Defense +6, Defense Rate +10
Earring of Guard +2
Lv 119 Hono Lv 6 // Defense +7, Defense Rate +15, Flee Rate +1%
Earring of Guard +3
Lv 126 Honor Lv 7 // Defense +9, Defense Rate +20, Flee Rate +1%
Earring of Guard +4
Lv 133 Honor Lv 8 // Defense +10, Defense Rate +25, Flee Rate +2%

Force Regeneration Earring
Lv 105 Honor Lv 4 // HP Regen. +2, MP Regen. +2
Force Regeneration Earring +1
Lv 112 Honor Lv 5 // HP Regen. +3, MP Regen. +3
Force Regeneration Earring +2
Lv 119 Honor Lv 6 // HP Regen. +2, MP Regen. +2, HP +20, MP +20
Force Regeneration Earring +3
Lv 126 Honor Lv 7 // HP Regen. +3, MP Regen. +3, HP +30, MP +30
Force Regeneration Earring +4
Lv 133 Honor Lv 8 // HP Regen. +4, MP Regen. +4, HP +40, MP +40

Vampiric Earring
Lv 105 Honor Lv 4 // Increases HP absorption limit +10, Increases MP absorption limit +10
Vampiric Earring +1
Lv 112 Honor Lv 5 // Increases HP absorption limit +15, Increases MP absorption limit +15
Vampiric Earring +2
Lv 119 Honor Lv 6 // Increases HP absorption limit +20, Increases MP absorption limit +20, HP +20, MP +20
Vampiric Earring +3
Lv 126 Honor Lv 7 // Increases HP absorption limit +25, Increases MP absorption limit +25, HP +30, MP +30
Vampiric Earring +4
Lv 133 Honor Lv 8 // Increases HP absorption limit +30, Increases MP absorption limit +30, HP +40, MP +40

Earring of Seven Coins
Lv 105 Honor Lv 4 // Alz Drop Rate +10%
Earring of Seven Coins +1
Lv 112 Honor Lv 5 // Alz Drop Rate +15%
Earring of Seven Coins +2
Lv 119 Honor Lv 6 // Alz Drop Rate +20%, 2Slot Drop Rate x2
Earring of Seven Coins +3
Lv 126 Honor Lv 7 // Alz Drop Rate +25%, 2Slot Drop Rate x2.5
Earring of Seven Coins +4
Lv 133 Honor Lv 8 // Alz Drop Rate +30%, 2Slot Drop Rate x3.5

Protection Earring
Lv 102 Honor Lv 4 // Defense +4
Protection Earring +1
Lv 105 Honor Lv 6 // Defense +5
Protection Earring +2
Lv 110 Honor Lv 7 // Defense +6

Vital Earring
Lv 102 Honor Lv 4 // HP +20
Vital Earring +1
Lv 105 Honor Lv 6 // HP +30
Vital Earring +2
Lv 110 Honor Lv 7 // HP +40

Evasion Earring
Lv 102 Honor Lv 4 // Flee Rate +1%
Evasion Earring +1
Lv 105 Honor Lv 6 // Flee Rate +2%
Evasion Earring +2
Lv 110 Honor Lv 7 // Flee Rate +3%

Accessories - Bracelet Collection
Bracelet of Fighter
Lv 105 Honor Lv 4 // Attack Strength +5, Attack Rate +40
Bracelet of Fighter +1
Lv 112 Honor Lv 5 // Attack Strength +7, Attack Rate +60, Amplifies Sword Skill DMG for +3%, Minimum DMG +2
Bracelet of Fighter +2
Lv 119 Honor Lv 6 // Attack Strength +9, Attack Rate +70, Amplifies Sword Skill DMG for +4%, Minimum DMG +3
Bracelet of Fighter +3
Lv 126 Honor Lv 7 // Attack Strength +10, Attack Rate +80, Amplifies Sword Skill DMG for +5%, Minimum DMG +4
Bracelet of Fighter +4
Lv 133 Honor Lv 8 // Attack Strength +13, Attack Rate +90, Amplifies Sword Skill DMG for +6%, Minimum DMG +5

Bracelet of Sage
Lv 105 Honor Lv 4 // Magic Attack Strength +5, Attack Rate +40
Bracelet of Sage +1
Lv 112 Honor Lv 5 // Magic Attack Strength +7, Attack Rate +60, Amplifies Magic Skill DMG for +3%, Additional DMG +3
Bracelet of Sage +2
Lv 119 Honor Lv 6 // Magic Attack Strength +9, Attack Rate +70, Amplifies Magic Skill DMG for +4%, Minimum DMG +5
Bracelet of Sage +3
Lv 126 Honor Lv 7 // Magic Attack Strength +10, Attack Rate +80, Amplifies Magic Skill DMG for +5%, Minimum DMG +7
Bracelet of Sage +4
Lv 133 Honor Lv 8 // Magic Attack Strength +13, Attack Rate +90, Amplifies Magic Skill DMG for +6%, Minimum DMG +10

Extortion Bracelet
Lv 105 Honor Lv 4 // Attack Strength +3, Magic Attack Strength +3, Absorbs HP & MP for 1% of DMG
Extortion Bracelet +1
Lv 112 Honor Lv 5 // Attack Strength +5, Magic Attack Strength +5, Absorbs HP & MP for 2% of DMG
Extortion Bracelet +2
Lv 119 Honor Lv 6 // Attack Strength +6, Magic Attack Strength +6, Absorbs HP & MP for 2% of DMG
Extortion Bracelet +3
Lv 126 Honor Lv 7 // Attack Strength +7, Magic Attack Strength +7, Absorbs HP & MP for 3% of DMG
Extortion Bracelet +4
Lv 133 Honor Lv 8 // Attack Strength +8, Magic Attack Strength +8, Absorbs HP & MP for 4% of DMG

Bracelet of Seven Coins
Lv 105 Honor Lv 4 // Alz Drop Rate +10%
Bracelet of Seven Coins +1
Lv 112 Honor Lv 5 // Alz Drop Rate +15%
Bracelet of Seven Coins +2
Lv 119 Honor Lv 6 // Alz Drop Rate +20%, 2Slot Drop Rate X2
Bracelet of Seven Coins +3
Lv 126 Honor Lv 7 // Alz Drop Rate +25%, 2Slot Drop Rate X2.5
Bracelet of Seven Coins +4
Lv 133 Honor Lv 8 // Alz Drop Rate +30%, 2Slot Drop Rate X3.5

Bracelet of Brute
Lv 102 Honor Lv 4 // Attack Strength +5
Bracelet of Brute +1
Lv 105 Honor Lv 6 // Attack Strength +6
Bracelet of Brute +2
Lv 110 Honor Lv 7 // Attack Strength +7

Bracelet of Serenity
Lv 102 Honor Lv 4 // Magic Attack Strength +5
Bracelet of Serenity +1
Lv 105 Honor Lv 6 // Magic Attack Strength +6
Bracelet of Serenity +2
Lv 110 Honor Lv 7 // Magic Attack Strength +7

Life Absorb Bracelet
Lv 102 Honor Lv 4 // Absorbs HP for 1% of DMG
Life Absorb Bracelet +1
Lv 105 Honor Lv 6 // Absorbs HP for 2% of DMG
Life Absorb Bracelet +2
Lv 110 Honor Lv 7 // Absorbs HP for 3% of DMG

Mana Absorb Bracelet
Lv 102 Honor Lv 4 // Absorbs MP for 1% of DMG
Mana Absorb Bracelet +1
Lv 105 Honor Lv 6 // Absorbs MP for 2% of DMG
Mana Absorb Bracelet +2
Lv 110 Honor Lv 7 // Absorbs MP for 3% of DMG

Guild System
After completing your level 40 class up quest, you are allowed to create a guild!. Guilds cost 10 mill to make, so be sure to get some funding support from people who wish to join. The maximum capacity for a guild is 100 members. Of course, guild chat is avaiable. It is also possible to have a war between guilds. This is the command you use:

/guildwar [the other guild's guildsmasters name] [number of deaths for a win]
Example: /guildwar DuoBlader 15

Once you initiate it, you better get ready because it starts instantly and doesn't stop until the number of deaths declared has been fulfilled. If you win, you will gain honor points.

The Guild Battle's Honor Points calculation formula:
(Winning number of death x 50) ÷ (the numbers of participated guildsmen).

If you lose, you will simply die and respawn in town. You won't receive any death penalty.

Party System
In CABAL, the max party is a party of four, you and three others. The EXP is shared in a way where you get most of the EXP and your party members leech a small amount. So let's say we have a 4 man party. I will assign A, B, C, and D to each member. So let's say party member A kills a monster that would give you 1000 exp if you weren't in a party. Member A would get 700 exp, and members A, B, and C would get 100 exp each. If member B killed that same monster, member B would get 700 exp, and members A, C, and D would get 100 exp each. The same applies for members C and D. Also there are three ways to set up how drops work:

1. Free for all
2. By contribution
3. In order

The one on one, skill vs skill combat. In order to initiate a PvP, click on the character you wish to PvP with and press "Request PvP" in their mini menu. You can PvP without betting by pressing cancel, but if you wish to bet then...

1. Initiator of the PvP sets the amount of honor and/or Alz to be bet (you can bet worth).
-Max bet for Alz is 100,000,000.
-If you bet honor, you must have at least 10,000 in case you lose.
2. The person asked for PvP can decline the betting.

If the person you ask to PvP does not respond in one minute, then the PvP is automatically canceled, or if the player denies it, it will also be canceled. A PvP is limited to 3 minutes long. If no one dies in that time, the PvP is canceled. If you win, you win the amount you bet. If you bet nothing, then you gain 1 honor point. If you lose, you die, get no death penalty, and respawn in town.

The most elite PvP tactic is to incorporate dash and fade step INTO your combo. Here is an example:

PKing is the ability to kill other characters without them agreeing to fight. PKing, however, has extremely severe penalties, so beware when you go on your killing spree. In order to initiate a PK, you click on the character you wish to kill, hold shift, then press any attack skill.

The penalties for PKing:
a) If you attempt another PK while in PK Penalty status, you will lose 1,000 Honor Points.
b) If you kill a character while in PK Penalty status, you will lose 10,000 Honor Points on the top of the 1,000 points that you have lost by attempting a PK.
c) If you continue attempting PK while in PK Penalty status, the severity and duration of penalty will be increased.

First PK : Cannot use shops for 10 minutes. There is no Honor Point penalty.(Penalty status starts on the second PK)
Second PK : Cannot converse with NPCs for 30 minutes. Therefore, it is impossible to use shops, storage, and instructions or proceed with quests.
Third PK : Cannot converse with NPCs for 60 minutes, and other characters can PK you without receiving any penalties.
Fourth PK : Cannot converse with NPCs for 100 minutes, and have a chance of dropping equipment upon death.
Fifth PK : Will be confined within a labyrinthine prison for 150 minutes.

Nation War: Capella and Procyon
At level 95, you receive a quest that allows you to join a nation. The two nations are Capella and Procyon. Nation wars take place on the War Channel (usually channel 9), and nation war is always possible in maps such as Forgotten Ruin and Lakeside. When in the war channel, Forgotten Ruin, or Lakeside, people in your opposing nation will have a red name. You may kill them without any penalties, and they can be targeted just like monsters without using the shift key.

Honor rewards for winning a Nation War:
Honor Point Reward (Minimum 10 Points) = -100 + {(300 × number defeated) ÷ (numbers of allies in your nation + numbers of foes in the opposing nation)}

Honor rewards for killing monsters in Forgotten Ruin and Lakeside
(Minimum 1 point and Maximum 3 points per monster) = -4 + {(12 × numbers of foes in opposing nation) ÷ (numbers of allies in your nation + numbers of foes in opposing nation)}

Honor Points
Honor points allow you to do many things.

1. Buy larger stacks of potions.
2. Equip special epaulets and accessories.
3. Is used in order to craft.

Honor can be restored by:
1. Winning PvPs and betting in PvPs
2. Winning Guild Wars.
3. Winning Nation Wars and training in War Zone maps (Forgotten Ruin and Lakeside).
4. Doing normal quests.
5. Using a plate of honor to do a special quest.

Astral Board
The astral board aids in your character's movement, but not quite as much as the astral bike. The astral board skill is obtained at level 40, and astral boards can be obtained in 3 different ways depending on the version you are playing.

1. Cash shop
2. Buy from NPC for 10,000,000.
3. Rare drop

They also come in 2 standard colors (there are special ones such as green which give the same stats).

Astral Board - Zero Black

Defense +10, HP +75

Astral Board - Zero Silver

Defense +10, HP +75

Note: Astral boards cannot be upgraded.

Astral Bike
The astral bike is your stat boosg source of mobility. You obtain the skill to use astral bikes after completing the level 80 class up, and a bike key itself can only be equipped if you are level 80 or higher. It can be upgraded with a very very rare item known as the Bike Coating Kit. The looks and stats will change upon each successful upgrade (yes, upgrading your bike can fail).

The starting bike

Defense +10, Defense Rate +40

[Astral Bike +1(RW3)

Defense +20, Defense Rate +150
*You are now allowed to access your storage by right clicking on the bike key.


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