The Incar Order has pledged to uphold the way of The White Lady at any cost. Magicians by trade, The Incar are not a race like The Bagi or The Segnale, but through meditation and diligence, they've learned to tap into the energies the Old Ones used before they left this world. The Incar have used their magical might to control nearly every area of Haran that man inhabits. Fire, Ice, Lightning and vast energies are at their command and there are few who can stand against an Incar Loremaster. The magic they use, however, can be used for good or evil. It is only the disposition of the user that determines whether the skills taught by The White Lady are used for good or ill.
They are refered as the internuncios of the White Lady, who through meditation learned the art of commanding various elements. More religious than anyone else, they believe that the impenetrable faith is the source of magic. Not only did they obtain unlimited magical power, but also a diginity that keeps lessers away. They are also scholars who conduct researches on the outer world.
Sorceress of the Three Elements - Incar Magician Class Description by Hivemind
The Incar Magician comes from their order to deliver the land to salvation from the Pitborns and their leader Abbadon. The Incar Order descends from the traditions and ways of the Martyred Lady, Trieste. Ever loyal to the land and The White Mistress, they conjure the strong magical forces left to them by the old ones before they ascended from the world. At their disposal the three elements fire, ice, and lightning are theirs to wield.
Combat and Equipment
They cast the many spells they have knowledge of and tend to stay always from physical combat as they would be overpowered. Therefore, the Incar Magician should focus heavily on their spirit and save strength, dexterity, and vitality for later. Two weapons are available for them to utilize, the staff and the wand. The staff generally starts with an advantage of having higher magical and physical bonuses but requires more strength to wield. They also have a higher chance to block attacks. The wand requires less strength but it starts with lower magic damage than the staff. Fortunately, it catches up and surpasses the staff's magical damage at level 7! Having the lowest armor in the game, they have to be extremely careful with their health.
Passive Magic
The Incar's passive magic helps her boosts her efficiency in many things. There are skills where you can increase your defense, increase your magic attack, increase the rate you regenerate mana, . It does have offensive spells but it's main focus is on defense and self-buffs.
Fire Magic
The power of the flames can usually add fire damage as well as burn them for a short period of time. Basic fire spells are very simple and some have aoe (area of effect) bonuses. Further training in this field can allow massive aoe damage while burning multiple targets.
Ice Magic
Ice magic is based on slowing the enemy down. It doesn't do as much damage as fire or lightning nor does it aoe as good as them, but it does freeze the opponent. It is more of a defensive spell than offensive and training in ice magic can help you unleash enormous aoe freezing attacks.
Lightning Magic
Unlike the other two, lightning magic is purely lightning damage. It has no special effect on the opponent. It generally has better aoe than the other three but no special features.
Using Your Strengths and Defying Your Weaknesses
The Incar Magician have a high potential of dealing major magical damage but is easy to hit and weak up close. To counter this, you should cast more spells to stun and knock back the enemy before it can even reach you. Ice spells help slow your opponent down so you have time to cast more spells and it can help you retreat back. AOE spells can help you level up faster by grabbing a mob of pitborns and unleashing aoe fury upon them. It's like killing five birds with one stone. If you lack defense, go level up the skill "energy mastery".
Note: Sex Appeal doesn't count as a "strength."
In the end, playing the Incar Magician gives you a lot of choices as well as strategies and a different insight of the game. I'd say go out and try her for yourself if you're looking for something new.
Notable Incar Magician Threads.
Incar Skills Review,1.html?time=1187584852
Incar Skills Description,1.html?time=1187584915
Staff V.S Wand (short),1.html?time=1187584956
Magician Skills Guide,1.html
Author: Hivemind
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