Hunters, bowmasters, trackers whose skill cannot be matched by any man or beast. Known for their superior swiftness and accuracy, they are archers, as well as hounds hired by the communion and only seek for bounty. They are masters of archery, marksmenship, rapid-movement and lurk.
The way of The Segita is as old as that of The Azure, for their disciplines were the first to be discovered and honed by the peoples of Haran. The Segita worship nature in all its forms and whatever life they take for their sustenance, they give back in other ways. They fight for the good of Life, the essence of all living things in Haran, and it is from this that they draw what magic they have. Taciturn and lethal, The Segita give their allegiance only to Life and those who would preserve it. Abaddon and The Pitborn are the antithesis of everything The Segita hold dear and they will kill any Pitborn on sight.
They are loners who hate restriction, wishing for a easeful life with the commission from the consignations. Even though many perished before ever achieve such a life, they are persistent in their lifestyle.
Sorceress of the Three Elements - Incar Magician Class Description by Hivemind
Segita Hunters the loners of the nature.They live an easy lifestyle along with nature.They fight for life and harmony.Segita hunters are usualy peacful ,but they dont like if someone messes with them.They got a powerful skills and weapons.
Segita hunters are using long range weapons like bow and crossbow and sometimes a close range weapons like daggers. Hunters uses bow for fast arrow shooting and their skills with bow are good too. Crossbow is more for hard battle combat and for skills spamming. Daggers are very fast and deadly in close combat so dont mess with dagger hunters.
Segita Hunters are know for their swiftness and accuracy, they are archers, as well as hounds hired by the communion and only seek for bounty. They are masters of archery, marksmanships, and rapid-movement and lurk. They are much disciplined and they are very serious when someone says word skills. They spend lot of time mastering their skills in nature and they got very strong attacks. With their skills like strike shot and skull shot they make a lot of damage on target. They got lot of area of effect skills like multiple shot and triangle shot. When Segita Hunter becomes stronger and more advanced her gets even powerful skills they had before like wonder firing and crow wings.
Segita Hunters usually got lower hp than others and they got high Dexter which makes their attacks so powerful. Segita Hunters stays back in battles to shoot their long range attacks they normally don't get hit but just in case they need some health potions and a big amount of mana pots.
Segita Hunters are easy to play in Pve but in Pvp you must think of your tactics and you need to know who you are against. In PvP there are some classes you don't want to go against since they might be stronger than you. But Hunters have lot of positive sides in Pvp. Segita Hunters can keep a distance on enemy cause of ranged attack, when enemy gets too close just use skill ice arrow and you can run again. Nothing wrong with running away its just tactics.
Since Segita Hunters doesn't have that good defense its good when you buy a new armor as soon as you get. Hunter's armor look is based on their female side and sexiness.
Segita Hunters gain cash easy since they solo kill mostly not party killing.
They get all the drops. And hunters don't need to buy so many things pots as well.
Their armors are cheaper. Although there might be some problems in higher level with legendary items. Segita Hunter some legendary part is very hard to get like armor and helmet.
At high levels Segita Hunter is probably the best class to play because they are so powerful and easy to play. They are pretty useful in siege wars so you might be very needed.
In game there are lots of other hunters so it's not hard to ask help if its needed and teaming up with another hunter is a nice idea if the exp is good.
Segita Hunter should make friends with knights and bagis. They are good in holding monsters away from you.
When you got cash in level s 38+ you should buy great health potions it saves room in inventory and you don't need to use them so often. Store up at least 50 mana pots before you go to level up. When you are in team try to hit monsters before your teammates does, that way you get the drop from monster. When you don't have so much room in your inventory just pick up weapons only they give the most money in game. Store up gems don't sell them because you might need them yourself.
Author: ado4444
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