Hunters, bowmasters, trackers whose skill cannot be matched by any man or beast. Known for their superior swiftness and accuracy, they are archers, as well as hounds hired by the communion and only seek for bounty. They are masters of archery, marksmenship, rapid-movement and lurk.
The way of The Segita is as old as that of The Azure, for their disciplines were the first to be discovered and honed by the peoples of Haran. The Segita worship nature in all its forms and whatever life they take for their sustenance, they give back in other ways. They fight for the good of Life, the essence of all living things in Haran, and it is from this that they draw what magic they have. Taciturn and lethal, The Segita give their allegiance only to Life and those who would preserve it. Abaddon and The Pitborn are the antithesis of everything The Segita hold dear and they will kill any Pitborn on sight.
They are loners who hate restriction, wishing for a easeful life with the commission from the consignations. Even though many perished before ever achieve such a life, they are persistent in their lifestyle.
Sorceress of the Three Elements - Incar Magician Class Description by Hivemind
Segita Hunters the loners of the nature.They live an easy lifestyle along with nature.They fight for life and harmony.Segita hunters are usualy peacful ,but they dont like if someone messes with them.They got a powerful skills and weapons.
Segita hunters are using long range weapons like bow and crossbow and sometimes a close range weapons like daggers. Hunters uses bow for fast arrow shooting and their skills with bow are good too. Crossbow is more for hard battle combat and for skills spamming. Daggers are very fast and deadly in close combat so dont mess with dagger hunters.
Segita Hunters are know for their swiftness and accuracy, they are archers, as well as hounds hired by the communion and only seek for bounty. They are masters of archery, marksmanships, and rapid-movement and lurk. They are much disciplined and they are very serious when someone says word skills. They spend lot of time mastering their skills in nature and they got very strong attacks. With their skills like strike shot and skull shot they make a lot of damage on target. They got lot of area of effect skills like multiple shot and triangle shot. When Segita Hunter becomes stronger and more advanced her gets even powerful skills they had before like wonder firing and crow wings.
Segita Hunters usually got lower hp than others and they got high Dexter which makes their attacks so powerful. Segita Hunters stays back in battles to shoot their long range attacks they normally don't get hit but just in case they need some health potions and a big amount of mana pots.
Segita Hunters are easy to play in Pve but in Pvp you must think of your tactics and you need to know who you are against. In PvP there are some classes you don't want to go against since they might be stronger than you. But Hunters have lot of positive sides in Pvp. Segita Hunters can keep a distance on enemy cause of ranged attack, when enemy gets too close just use skill ice arrow and you can run again. Nothing wrong with running away its just tactics.
Since Segita Hunters doesn't have that good defense its good when you buy a new armor as soon as you get. Hunter's armor look is based on their female side and sexiness.
Segita Hunters gain cash easy since they solo kill mostly not party killing.
They get all the drops. And hunters don't need to buy so many things pots as well.
Their armors are cheaper. Although there might be some problems in higher level with legendary items. Segita Hunter some legendary part is very hard to get like armor and helmet.
At high levels Segita Hunter is probably the best class to play because they are so powerful and easy to play. They are pretty useful in siege wars so you might be very needed.
In game there are lots of other hunters so it's not hard to ask help if its needed and teaming up with another hunter is a nice idea if the exp is good.
Segita Hunter should make friends with knights and bagis. They are good in holding monsters away from you.
When you got cash in level s 38+ you should buy great health potions it saves room in inventory and you don't need to use them so often. Store up at least 50 mana pots before you go to level up. When you are in team try to hit monsters before your teammates does, that way you get the drop from monster. When you don't have so much room in your inventory just pick up weapons only they give the most money in game. Store up gems don't sell them because you might need them yourself.
Author: ado4444
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Dekaron Guide: Sorceress of the Three Elements - Incar Magician Class Description by Hivemind
The Incar Order has pledged to uphold the way of The White Lady at any cost. Magicians by trade, The Incar are not a race like The Bagi or The Segnale, but through meditation and diligence, they've learned to tap into the energies the Old Ones used before they left this world. The Incar have used their magical might to control nearly every area of Haran that man inhabits. Fire, Ice, Lightning and vast energies are at their command and there are few who can stand against an Incar Loremaster. The magic they use, however, can be used for good or evil. It is only the disposition of the user that determines whether the skills taught by The White Lady are used for good or ill.
They are refered as the internuncios of the White Lady, who through meditation learned the art of commanding various elements. More religious than anyone else, they believe that the impenetrable faith is the source of magic. Not only did they obtain unlimited magical power, but also a diginity that keeps lessers away. They are also scholars who conduct researches on the outer world.
Sorceress of the Three Elements - Incar Magician Class Description by Hivemind
The Incar Magician comes from their order to deliver the land to salvation from the Pitborns and their leader Abbadon. The Incar Order descends from the traditions and ways of the Martyred Lady, Trieste. Ever loyal to the land and The White Mistress, they conjure the strong magical forces left to them by the old ones before they ascended from the world. At their disposal the three elements fire, ice, and lightning are theirs to wield.
Combat and Equipment
They cast the many spells they have knowledge of and tend to stay always from physical combat as they would be overpowered. Therefore, the Incar Magician should focus heavily on their spirit and save strength, dexterity, and vitality for later. Two weapons are available for them to utilize, the staff and the wand. The staff generally starts with an advantage of having higher magical and physical bonuses but requires more strength to wield. They also have a higher chance to block attacks. The wand requires less strength but it starts with lower magic damage than the staff. Fortunately, it catches up and surpasses the staff's magical damage at level 7! Having the lowest armor in the game, they have to be extremely careful with their health.
Passive Magic
The Incar's passive magic helps her boosts her efficiency in many things. There are skills where you can increase your defense, increase your magic attack, increase the rate you regenerate mana, . It does have offensive spells but it's main focus is on defense and self-buffs.
Fire Magic
The power of the flames can usually add fire damage as well as burn them for a short period of time. Basic fire spells are very simple and some have aoe (area of effect) bonuses. Further training in this field can allow massive aoe damage while burning multiple targets.
Ice Magic
Ice magic is based on slowing the enemy down. It doesn't do as much damage as fire or lightning nor does it aoe as good as them, but it does freeze the opponent. It is more of a defensive spell than offensive and training in ice magic can help you unleash enormous aoe freezing attacks.
Lightning Magic
Unlike the other two, lightning magic is purely lightning damage. It has no special effect on the opponent. It generally has better aoe than the other three but no special features.
Using Your Strengths and Defying Your Weaknesses
The Incar Magician have a high potential of dealing major magical damage but is easy to hit and weak up close. To counter this, you should cast more spells to stun and knock back the enemy before it can even reach you. Ice spells help slow your opponent down so you have time to cast more spells and it can help you retreat back. AOE spells can help you level up faster by grabbing a mob of pitborns and unleashing aoe fury upon them. It's like killing five birds with one stone. If you lack defense, go level up the skill "energy mastery".
Note: Sex Appeal doesn't count as a "strength."
In the end, playing the Incar Magician gives you a lot of choices as well as strategies and a different insight of the game. I'd say go out and try her for yourself if you're looking for something new.
Notable Incar Magician Threads.
Incar Skills Review,1.html?time=1187584852
Incar Skills Description,1.html?time=1187584915
Staff V.S Wand (short),1.html?time=1187584956
Magician Skills Guide,1.html
Author: Hivemind
The Incar Order has pledged to uphold the way of The White Lady at any cost. Magicians by trade, The Incar are not a race like The Bagi or The Segnale, but through meditation and diligence, they've learned to tap into the energies the Old Ones used before they left this world. The Incar have used their magical might to control nearly every area of Haran that man inhabits. Fire, Ice, Lightning and vast energies are at their command and there are few who can stand against an Incar Loremaster. The magic they use, however, can be used for good or evil. It is only the disposition of the user that determines whether the skills taught by The White Lady are used for good or ill.
They are refered as the internuncios of the White Lady, who through meditation learned the art of commanding various elements. More religious than anyone else, they believe that the impenetrable faith is the source of magic. Not only did they obtain unlimited magical power, but also a diginity that keeps lessers away. They are also scholars who conduct researches on the outer world.
Sorceress of the Three Elements - Incar Magician Class Description by Hivemind
The Incar Magician comes from their order to deliver the land to salvation from the Pitborns and their leader Abbadon. The Incar Order descends from the traditions and ways of the Martyred Lady, Trieste. Ever loyal to the land and The White Mistress, they conjure the strong magical forces left to them by the old ones before they ascended from the world. At their disposal the three elements fire, ice, and lightning are theirs to wield.
Combat and Equipment
They cast the many spells they have knowledge of and tend to stay always from physical combat as they would be overpowered. Therefore, the Incar Magician should focus heavily on their spirit and save strength, dexterity, and vitality for later. Two weapons are available for them to utilize, the staff and the wand. The staff generally starts with an advantage of having higher magical and physical bonuses but requires more strength to wield. They also have a higher chance to block attacks. The wand requires less strength but it starts with lower magic damage than the staff. Fortunately, it catches up and surpasses the staff's magical damage at level 7! Having the lowest armor in the game, they have to be extremely careful with their health.
Passive Magic
The Incar's passive magic helps her boosts her efficiency in many things. There are skills where you can increase your defense, increase your magic attack, increase the rate you regenerate mana, . It does have offensive spells but it's main focus is on defense and self-buffs.
Fire Magic
The power of the flames can usually add fire damage as well as burn them for a short period of time. Basic fire spells are very simple and some have aoe (area of effect) bonuses. Further training in this field can allow massive aoe damage while burning multiple targets.
Ice Magic
Ice magic is based on slowing the enemy down. It doesn't do as much damage as fire or lightning nor does it aoe as good as them, but it does freeze the opponent. It is more of a defensive spell than offensive and training in ice magic can help you unleash enormous aoe freezing attacks.
Lightning Magic
Unlike the other two, lightning magic is purely lightning damage. It has no special effect on the opponent. It generally has better aoe than the other three but no special features.
Using Your Strengths and Defying Your Weaknesses
The Incar Magician have a high potential of dealing major magical damage but is easy to hit and weak up close. To counter this, you should cast more spells to stun and knock back the enemy before it can even reach you. Ice spells help slow your opponent down so you have time to cast more spells and it can help you retreat back. AOE spells can help you level up faster by grabbing a mob of pitborns and unleashing aoe fury upon them. It's like killing five birds with one stone. If you lack defense, go level up the skill "energy mastery".
Note: Sex Appeal doesn't count as a "strength."
In the end, playing the Incar Magician gives you a lot of choices as well as strategies and a different insight of the game. I'd say go out and try her for yourself if you're looking for something new.
Notable Incar Magician Threads.
Incar Skills Review,1.html?time=1187584852
Incar Skills Description,1.html?time=1187584915
Staff V.S Wand (short),1.html?time=1187584956
Magician Skills Guide,1.html
Author: Hivemind
Dekaron Guide: The Cursed Titan - Bagi Warrior Class Description by Hivemind
Pitborn creatures who once held sway over much of The Abyss. Their skills as assassins and healers are sought after by the forces of light and dark alike. Active in the devildom in humanform, they are distinguished as superb assassins. Perhaps due to worshipping the red blood within their vein, they have relatively strong resistance against the erosion of the devildom. Hidden in the darkness, using blood pacts passed down from ancient ages for healing or attack agaisnt rancorous foe. Death through angony of blood boiling became the symbol of their slayings.
Millennia ago, Abaddon's forces conquered the lands of The Segnale and commanded them to subjugate themselves to his will. They fled to Haran, and though they did not pledge their loyalty to Haran or The White Lady, their hatred for Abaddon burns deep. Their magic is vampiric in nature. "From blood we take, to blood we give," they say. Some follow the path of the assassin, others the path of the healer. Whichever way they choose, they are some of the most deadly creatures in this world or any other.
The Cursed Titan - Bagi Warrior Class Description by Hivemind
Bagi Warrior
Known for being a savage and a brute, the Bagi Warriors came into existence during the Grand Fall. The Grand Fall gave them the curse that dwells within all Bagi Warriors and became the source of their strength and their weakness. This curse brought inhuman strength as well as the tenacious rage that dwells within. Frequently, they have to use all their willpower and strength to overcome this rage to continue remaining sane. Like the powerful double edged claymore, this curse can help or destroy the very conscience of the warrior. The Bagi Warrior focuses all his skill on strength, dexterity, and heal. Mostly in strength and heal as being a true warrior, he will need to be able to do a lot of damage while being able to take some hits. Not being a scholar, the Bagi Warrior lacks a lot of skills and weapon choice.
The Bagi Warrior is known to be the most ferocious close combat character in the game. He self supports himself with personal buffs, and has access to stunning and knock back attacks. They are a one man army basically missing only the ability to heal themselves'. A lot of their skills are usually combo hits that raise the attack damage. Their high health and strength should give them an advantage for the lack of skills. They should be easy to control and manipulate by the player.
Martial Arts
Less than half of the skills in here are buffs but the majority of the other half is physical attack skills. They also have passive skills like "martial arts master" that raises the damage they can do as well as the critical rate. The buffs may include a small increase in attack, attack rate, and both. The attack skills become better as they unlock newer skills. From a single powerful hit, to a two hit combo, to stunning attacks and more. The attack combos can go up to nine consecutive hits and may include knock back or stun which is a powerful weapon in the hands of a Bagi Warrior.
This class of skills focuses more on passive abilities, weapon buffs, and elemental as well as stunning/knock-back attacks. The passive skills allow them to be better protected from physical and magical attacks as well as debuffs. The weapon buffs give the Bagi a choice of fire, ice, and/or lightning damage. The elemental and stunning/knock-back attacks focus less on damage and more on stunning or knocking back the enemy. This skill tree will take a while to get to as it starts at level 25.
The Power of the Curse
A number of ways Bagi Warriors can gain an advantage and win against anyone is the ability to be able to hit hard and take hard hits. Not only that but stunning and knock back skills greatly disrupts the enemies' movements as a well as casting leaving them very vulnerable for a duration of time. Not only can this, but the number of buffs help improve the overall combat efficiency of the warrior. Don't forget about leveling the passive physical and magical defense skills if you feel vulnerable in such areas. Though the Bagi Warrior is probably the simplest class to use, it can be the worst enemy to face in the battlefield.
Author: Hivemind
Pitborn creatures who once held sway over much of The Abyss. Their skills as assassins and healers are sought after by the forces of light and dark alike. Active in the devildom in humanform, they are distinguished as superb assassins. Perhaps due to worshipping the red blood within their vein, they have relatively strong resistance against the erosion of the devildom. Hidden in the darkness, using blood pacts passed down from ancient ages for healing or attack agaisnt rancorous foe. Death through angony of blood boiling became the symbol of their slayings.
Millennia ago, Abaddon's forces conquered the lands of The Segnale and commanded them to subjugate themselves to his will. They fled to Haran, and though they did not pledge their loyalty to Haran or The White Lady, their hatred for Abaddon burns deep. Their magic is vampiric in nature. "From blood we take, to blood we give," they say. Some follow the path of the assassin, others the path of the healer. Whichever way they choose, they are some of the most deadly creatures in this world or any other.
The Cursed Titan - Bagi Warrior Class Description by Hivemind
Bagi Warrior
Known for being a savage and a brute, the Bagi Warriors came into existence during the Grand Fall. The Grand Fall gave them the curse that dwells within all Bagi Warriors and became the source of their strength and their weakness. This curse brought inhuman strength as well as the tenacious rage that dwells within. Frequently, they have to use all their willpower and strength to overcome this rage to continue remaining sane. Like the powerful double edged claymore, this curse can help or destroy the very conscience of the warrior. The Bagi Warrior focuses all his skill on strength, dexterity, and heal. Mostly in strength and heal as being a true warrior, he will need to be able to do a lot of damage while being able to take some hits. Not being a scholar, the Bagi Warrior lacks a lot of skills and weapon choice.
The Bagi Warrior is known to be the most ferocious close combat character in the game. He self supports himself with personal buffs, and has access to stunning and knock back attacks. They are a one man army basically missing only the ability to heal themselves'. A lot of their skills are usually combo hits that raise the attack damage. Their high health and strength should give them an advantage for the lack of skills. They should be easy to control and manipulate by the player.
Martial Arts
Less than half of the skills in here are buffs but the majority of the other half is physical attack skills. They also have passive skills like "martial arts master" that raises the damage they can do as well as the critical rate. The buffs may include a small increase in attack, attack rate, and both. The attack skills become better as they unlock newer skills. From a single powerful hit, to a two hit combo, to stunning attacks and more. The attack combos can go up to nine consecutive hits and may include knock back or stun which is a powerful weapon in the hands of a Bagi Warrior.
This class of skills focuses more on passive abilities, weapon buffs, and elemental as well as stunning/knock-back attacks. The passive skills allow them to be better protected from physical and magical attacks as well as debuffs. The weapon buffs give the Bagi a choice of fire, ice, and/or lightning damage. The elemental and stunning/knock-back attacks focus less on damage and more on stunning or knocking back the enemy. This skill tree will take a while to get to as it starts at level 25.
The Power of the Curse
A number of ways Bagi Warriors can gain an advantage and win against anyone is the ability to be able to hit hard and take hard hits. Not only that but stunning and knock back skills greatly disrupts the enemies' movements as a well as casting leaving them very vulnerable for a duration of time. Not only can this, but the number of buffs help improve the overall combat efficiency of the warrior. Don't forget about leveling the passive physical and magical defense skills if you feel vulnerable in such areas. Though the Bagi Warrior is probably the simplest class to use, it can be the worst enemy to face in the battlefield.
Author: Hivemind
Dekaron Guide: Azure Knight Class Description by Ado4444
Pitborn creatures who once held sway over much of The Abyss. Their skills as assassins and healers are sought after by the forces of light and dark alike. Active in the devildom in humanform, they are distinguished as superb assassins. Perhaps due to worshipping the red blood within their vein, they have relatively strong resistance against the erosion of the devildom. Hidden in the darkness, using blood pacts passed down from ancient ages for healing or attack agaisnt rancorous foe. Death through angony of blood boiling became the symbol of their slayings.
Millennia ago, Abaddon's forces conquered the lands of The Segnale and commanded them to subjugate themselves to his will. They fled to Haran, and though they did not pledge their loyalty to Haran or The White Lady, their hatred for Abaddon burns deep. Their magic is vampiric in nature. "From blood we take, to blood we give," they say. Some follow the path of the assassin, others the path of the healer. Whichever way they choose, they are some of the most deadly creatures in this world or any other.
Azure Knight Class Description by Ado4444
Azure Knight, the way of a true swordsman. They have kept their traditions over hundreds of years for theirs is the way of battle, of discipline, of sacrifice and abnegation. They work on their skills for many years. They can unleash their power and energies through the weapons they wield. Azure Knights seeks for physical powers. Azure Knights are responsible and keep their honor up no matter what.
Azure Knights need a lot of strength and enough dexterity to use weapons. Health isn?t so important, you need it only so much that you won’t die when someone touches you.
There are a lot of builds for Azure Knight.
The Dual Wielders
Azure Knights with dual weapons kills fast and hits hard. He breaks the opponent?s skills before he can even use them. The negative sides of a dual wielder are that they got a low survivability rate. They got high damage power moves and medium damage follow ups. The point of dual wielder knight is not to let enemy fight back and dual wielder knight is good at it.
Best Skills:
Dual Mastery-This skill affects every damage you make.
Spout Anger-Second highest damage a knight can make and it’s easily followed up by other skills.
Energetic Blade-Just a simple incorrupt or stun skill what makes a nice damage as well
Strengthen Health-Good in every build. With this skill you will be able to recover from hard hits fast.
Attack Acceleration-This skill adds more attack and power.
The 2 Handed Sword Knight
This kind of knights got the power and defense. The power of the 2 handed weapons gives very high damage and with swords defensive abilities makes their offence and defense perfect. Swords defense gives a nice temporary high block rate.
Best Skills:
Sword Mastery - affects the damage of almost every attack you have.
Genocide - The most damaging skill in the entire game.
Sword Defense - Grants 80% block when maxed + 25% defense
Strengthen Health - Good in every build. With this skill you will be able to recover from hard hits fast.
Attack Acceleration – This skill adds more attack and power
Berserker – Gives a Nice Damage and a 3 second stun
Air Smashing – One of best damage attack of this build, and an extremely good follow up to Genocide.
The Sword and Shield Knight
the sword and shield knight wields can stand against everything. He got very high survivability and high defense. But they are lowest based damage outputters, cause of the high defense its not so important.
Best Skills:
Sword Mastery - affects the damage of almost every attack you have.
Sword Defense – Grants 80% block when maxed + 25% defense
Blind Jab - An extra 80% defense as follow up to a medium - high damage attack with 6 sec cool down.
Shield Shove - When maxed it adds almost 3 seconds of stun to a medium-low cool down (6 seconds) move, leaving the opponent open for strikes.
Air Smashing – One of best damage attack of this build,
Strengthen Health - Good in every build. With this skill you will be able to recover from hard hits fast.
Attack Acceleration - This skill adds more attack and power
Azure Knights are like wine the older they get the better they get. In team the Azure Knight stand up for others and is usually in leader position. They protect the weaker and kill everyone who doesn’t respect their ways of life.
Azure Knights best friend could be segnale of course beside his weapon. Azure Knights are usually very friendly but also very proud and sometimes they act like they are the only one in world. They cannot be bought and they are loyal to White Lady and all the people in Haran.
Since Azure Knights has to party often its advisable you to make lot of friends. Any other class can help you out of trouble. When the thing goes to weapons then there are a lot of weapons for knight. Don’t ever rush picking a weapon take time in market to seek a weapon that fits with you. Monsters drops mostly knight items as well so you might get lucky and get a great weapon or armor as drop. Its easy to save money as well cause of the health buff knights use they really don’t need health potions and it doesn’t take so much mana pots as well.
For The End Azure Knights Are Cool As Any Other Class.
Author: ado4444
Pitborn creatures who once held sway over much of The Abyss. Their skills as assassins and healers are sought after by the forces of light and dark alike. Active in the devildom in humanform, they are distinguished as superb assassins. Perhaps due to worshipping the red blood within their vein, they have relatively strong resistance against the erosion of the devildom. Hidden in the darkness, using blood pacts passed down from ancient ages for healing or attack agaisnt rancorous foe. Death through angony of blood boiling became the symbol of their slayings.
Millennia ago, Abaddon's forces conquered the lands of The Segnale and commanded them to subjugate themselves to his will. They fled to Haran, and though they did not pledge their loyalty to Haran or The White Lady, their hatred for Abaddon burns deep. Their magic is vampiric in nature. "From blood we take, to blood we give," they say. Some follow the path of the assassin, others the path of the healer. Whichever way they choose, they are some of the most deadly creatures in this world or any other.
Azure Knight Class Description by Ado4444
Azure Knight, the way of a true swordsman. They have kept their traditions over hundreds of years for theirs is the way of battle, of discipline, of sacrifice and abnegation. They work on their skills for many years. They can unleash their power and energies through the weapons they wield. Azure Knights seeks for physical powers. Azure Knights are responsible and keep their honor up no matter what.
Azure Knights need a lot of strength and enough dexterity to use weapons. Health isn?t so important, you need it only so much that you won’t die when someone touches you.
There are a lot of builds for Azure Knight.
The Dual Wielders
Azure Knights with dual weapons kills fast and hits hard. He breaks the opponent?s skills before he can even use them. The negative sides of a dual wielder are that they got a low survivability rate. They got high damage power moves and medium damage follow ups. The point of dual wielder knight is not to let enemy fight back and dual wielder knight is good at it.
Best Skills:
Dual Mastery-This skill affects every damage you make.
Spout Anger-Second highest damage a knight can make and it’s easily followed up by other skills.
Energetic Blade-Just a simple incorrupt or stun skill what makes a nice damage as well
Strengthen Health-Good in every build. With this skill you will be able to recover from hard hits fast.
Attack Acceleration-This skill adds more attack and power.
The 2 Handed Sword Knight
This kind of knights got the power and defense. The power of the 2 handed weapons gives very high damage and with swords defensive abilities makes their offence and defense perfect. Swords defense gives a nice temporary high block rate.
Best Skills:
Sword Mastery - affects the damage of almost every attack you have.
Genocide - The most damaging skill in the entire game.
Sword Defense - Grants 80% block when maxed + 25% defense
Strengthen Health - Good in every build. With this skill you will be able to recover from hard hits fast.
Attack Acceleration – This skill adds more attack and power
Berserker – Gives a Nice Damage and a 3 second stun
Air Smashing – One of best damage attack of this build, and an extremely good follow up to Genocide.
The Sword and Shield Knight
the sword and shield knight wields can stand against everything. He got very high survivability and high defense. But they are lowest based damage outputters, cause of the high defense its not so important.
Best Skills:
Sword Mastery - affects the damage of almost every attack you have.
Sword Defense – Grants 80% block when maxed + 25% defense
Blind Jab - An extra 80% defense as follow up to a medium - high damage attack with 6 sec cool down.
Shield Shove - When maxed it adds almost 3 seconds of stun to a medium-low cool down (6 seconds) move, leaving the opponent open for strikes.
Air Smashing – One of best damage attack of this build,
Strengthen Health - Good in every build. With this skill you will be able to recover from hard hits fast.
Attack Acceleration - This skill adds more attack and power
Azure Knights are like wine the older they get the better they get. In team the Azure Knight stand up for others and is usually in leader position. They protect the weaker and kill everyone who doesn’t respect their ways of life.
Azure Knights best friend could be segnale of course beside his weapon. Azure Knights are usually very friendly but also very proud and sometimes they act like they are the only one in world. They cannot be bought and they are loyal to White Lady and all the people in Haran.
Since Azure Knights has to party often its advisable you to make lot of friends. Any other class can help you out of trouble. When the thing goes to weapons then there are a lot of weapons for knight. Don’t ever rush picking a weapon take time in market to seek a weapon that fits with you. Monsters drops mostly knight items as well so you might get lucky and get a great weapon or armor as drop. Its easy to save money as well cause of the health buff knights use they really don’t need health potions and it doesn’t take so much mana pots as well.
For The End Azure Knights Are Cool As Any Other Class.
Author: ado4444
Dekaron Guide: 2Moons Hardcore MMORPG review by Junel NoFlaws
Game ReviewBy: Junel NoFlaws
Game Title: 2Moons
Genre: mmorpg (massive muti-player online role playing game)
Status: Open Beta
Developer: GameHi
Official website: 2Moons
Client size: 895MB
Client download:Game Download
System Requirements:
A game that would compare to 2Moons would not be that hard to find because there isn't much that makes it stand out from many other games except for its PVP/Hardcore gaming style in which you feel pressured into trying to be the best. If I were to choose a game to compare 2Moons too, I would have to say 9dragons because of the graphics also, the mini combos while fighting. Even though 9dragons has way more combos.... the attack animations during the fighting varies like 9dragons, it is not the same 1 animation for a whole onslaught of attacks. I would also say that 2Moons's game play feels like With Your Destiny[WYD], except the camera adjustment features in 2Moons is way better.
First impression/Review:
When you first look at this game through the website, and you see the stunning graphical concept art for the characters and NPC'S it made me go Wow this is going to kick some ***, especially when I saw Recommended for 17 years or older. I really was intrigued by the story line in which the game happens during the time that the 2 MOONS align thus giving the exiled king of Haran the opportunity to open a dark gate that unleashes great evil, for the overall story check here 2Moons Story So yea you can say the game was my Eye candy for a couple months before open beta.
Once I got to play the game, after i choose my class which are gender oriented, and my starting castle which is like your starting region, I noticed a great difference between this game an d many other games, the major difference I noticed was there felt as if there was no rules. The npc's would literally ask me What the **** did I want? I found that funny and a first, never before has a NPC been so interactive or expressed what they truly felt like the NPC'S in 2MOONS. The maneuverability of the game is fairly simple you have a choice of clicking to move or using W,A,S,D on your keyboard, so it suits both styles. The game looks stunning with the settings at max, they incorporated a Bloom effect to give the game a shiny/glossy look which makes it look beautiful. I have to say that the game play is this games strong point. The fighting makes you feel excited because of the sound effects used, also the skills can be linked together to form combos which gives the game a battle system which I guarantee most of you that crave action would appreciate this battle system.
One of the game's faults that I see is it is a bit of a grind(in which you have to kill a lot of monsters in order to level), it has quests but they are not plentiful like World Of Warcraft. The game's grind is not a hard one, the game is very competitive and any minor change in your status points allocation can lead to your demise or to your glory.
The PVP system with in the game lets you earn PVP points and reputation,with this said you can become one of the most wanted players in the game.
The game is not about hardcore grinding and PVP, what really caught my eye was that aside from all of that it also has a fun side which is FISHING!!. You can fish in this game is a very cool feature to add. Once you reach lvl 7 you can do a quest and you get a fresh fishing rod. While fishing you can acquire many things not just fishes, I myself have caught Bone Rings and other accessories. 2Moons aside from its amazing game play, and stylish graphics, has a lot to offer, I can not tell you all of it because then it will spoil the game I suggest you give this game a try and see for yourself what they mean by and I quote from the main site Massive Blood Battles, You Against Thousands, Blast Monsters Into Chunks Of Writhing Flesh.
Graphics: 8/10
With the game at Max settings this game can almost compare to the graphics of Granado Espada/Sword Of The New World and the armor details are unimaginable.
Sound: 8/10
The game has great sound effects for their weapons/skills, and also contains some nice mood setting ambient themes. It also has environment sound effects that make you feel as if your in the game itself. There is 1 cool feature which is a built in MP3 in which you can put your songs into the MUSIC folder within game directory, then go to options within game, and check mp3 player, now you can listen to your own music while playing the game.
Gameplay: 10/10
Even though the games has your typical point and click battle system theres something more to it, in which it feels as if your actually engaged in combat. The sounds that accompany this also help you get into the game.
Community: 8/10
The game has a great party system in which you can set items to individually drop, randomly share, etc. Also when grouped the experience does not decrease tremendously it actually improves grinding because the more monsters you kill the more it adds up. Also the guild system in the game has many features, theres also custom emblems which you can use to represent your guild and make it creative.
Value: 9/10
This game has a lot of value and according to sources more updates are soon to come. I believe that this game does has replay value because of its competitive nature. If you are not grinding or questing you can go into PK mode(player killing mode) and start some trouble or earn PVP points through duels.
Unique features: The PVP system in which you can earn points, and either become one of the most wanted players for PK. Also the fishing system is unique and is always good to have in between quests and grinding. There is also instanced dungeons in which you get your own assigned dungeon, that only you can see kind of like World Of Warcraft.
My Bagi Warrior using a skill.
My Azure Knight doing the last hit of the basic combo with a 1 handed sword.
Display of the bloom effect/Glow effects of the game.
Caught something while fishing.
Displaying graphics also mp3 player at the top left.
Personal rating: I give this game a 9/10
I believe this game has great potential, so far it has given me that competitive edge I have looked for in many MMOG?S I found it here. If your thrive for competition and to be the best, this is the game for you.
Reach me through SKYPE or MSN.....I am barely on anything else...My Skype name is NoFlaws(you'll know who i am lol), My Msn email is
Game ReviewBy: Junel NoFlaws
Game Title: 2Moons
Genre: mmorpg (massive muti-player online role playing game)
Status: Open Beta
Developer: GameHi
Official website: 2Moons
Client size: 895MB
Client download:Game Download
System Requirements:
A game that would compare to 2Moons would not be that hard to find because there isn't much that makes it stand out from many other games except for its PVP/Hardcore gaming style in which you feel pressured into trying to be the best. If I were to choose a game to compare 2Moons too, I would have to say 9dragons because of the graphics also, the mini combos while fighting. Even though 9dragons has way more combos.... the attack animations during the fighting varies like 9dragons, it is not the same 1 animation for a whole onslaught of attacks. I would also say that 2Moons's game play feels like With Your Destiny[WYD], except the camera adjustment features in 2Moons is way better.
First impression/Review:
When you first look at this game through the website, and you see the stunning graphical concept art for the characters and NPC'S it made me go Wow this is going to kick some ***, especially when I saw Recommended for 17 years or older. I really was intrigued by the story line in which the game happens during the time that the 2 MOONS align thus giving the exiled king of Haran the opportunity to open a dark gate that unleashes great evil, for the overall story check here 2Moons Story So yea you can say the game was my Eye candy for a couple months before open beta.
Once I got to play the game, after i choose my class which are gender oriented, and my starting castle which is like your starting region, I noticed a great difference between this game an d many other games, the major difference I noticed was there felt as if there was no rules. The npc's would literally ask me What the **** did I want? I found that funny and a first, never before has a NPC been so interactive or expressed what they truly felt like the NPC'S in 2MOONS. The maneuverability of the game is fairly simple you have a choice of clicking to move or using W,A,S,D on your keyboard, so it suits both styles. The game looks stunning with the settings at max, they incorporated a Bloom effect to give the game a shiny/glossy look which makes it look beautiful. I have to say that the game play is this games strong point. The fighting makes you feel excited because of the sound effects used, also the skills can be linked together to form combos which gives the game a battle system which I guarantee most of you that crave action would appreciate this battle system.
One of the game's faults that I see is it is a bit of a grind(in which you have to kill a lot of monsters in order to level), it has quests but they are not plentiful like World Of Warcraft. The game's grind is not a hard one, the game is very competitive and any minor change in your status points allocation can lead to your demise or to your glory.
The PVP system with in the game lets you earn PVP points and reputation,with this said you can become one of the most wanted players in the game.
The game is not about hardcore grinding and PVP, what really caught my eye was that aside from all of that it also has a fun side which is FISHING!!. You can fish in this game is a very cool feature to add. Once you reach lvl 7 you can do a quest and you get a fresh fishing rod. While fishing you can acquire many things not just fishes, I myself have caught Bone Rings and other accessories. 2Moons aside from its amazing game play, and stylish graphics, has a lot to offer, I can not tell you all of it because then it will spoil the game I suggest you give this game a try and see for yourself what they mean by and I quote from the main site Massive Blood Battles, You Against Thousands, Blast Monsters Into Chunks Of Writhing Flesh.
Graphics: 8/10
With the game at Max settings this game can almost compare to the graphics of Granado Espada/Sword Of The New World and the armor details are unimaginable.
Sound: 8/10
The game has great sound effects for their weapons/skills, and also contains some nice mood setting ambient themes. It also has environment sound effects that make you feel as if your in the game itself. There is 1 cool feature which is a built in MP3 in which you can put your songs into the MUSIC folder within game directory, then go to options within game, and check mp3 player, now you can listen to your own music while playing the game.
Gameplay: 10/10
Even though the games has your typical point and click battle system theres something more to it, in which it feels as if your actually engaged in combat. The sounds that accompany this also help you get into the game.
Community: 8/10
The game has a great party system in which you can set items to individually drop, randomly share, etc. Also when grouped the experience does not decrease tremendously it actually improves grinding because the more monsters you kill the more it adds up. Also the guild system in the game has many features, theres also custom emblems which you can use to represent your guild and make it creative.
Value: 9/10
This game has a lot of value and according to sources more updates are soon to come. I believe that this game does has replay value because of its competitive nature. If you are not grinding or questing you can go into PK mode(player killing mode) and start some trouble or earn PVP points through duels.
Unique features: The PVP system in which you can earn points, and either become one of the most wanted players for PK. Also the fishing system is unique and is always good to have in between quests and grinding. There is also instanced dungeons in which you get your own assigned dungeon, that only you can see kind of like World Of Warcraft.
My Bagi Warrior using a skill.
My Azure Knight doing the last hit of the basic combo with a 1 handed sword.
Display of the bloom effect/Glow effects of the game.
Caught something while fishing.
Displaying graphics also mp3 player at the top left.
Personal rating: I give this game a 9/10
I believe this game has great potential, so far it has given me that competitive edge I have looked for in many MMOG?S I found it here. If your thrive for competition and to be the best, this is the game for you.
Reach me through SKYPE or MSN.....I am barely on anything else...My Skype name is NoFlaws(you'll know who i am lol), My Msn email is
Dekaron Guide: Is This Game Right For You?
Overview The Basics
2moons is an American adaptation of the Korean MMO-RPG Dekaron. It is currently now in open beta. Recommended for 17+ due to language, blood content, and violence.
The Good Whats better than the generic MMO-RPGs
-Fresh Story
-Nice Artwork
- Good Graphics
-Great combat animations
-Not too Repetitive (grind>lvlup>buynewweapon>repeat)
-6 Classes
-Loads of quest for all levels
-More Dungeons
-NPCs have voices (with original/funny lines)
The Bad Game Issues
-Beta (with known glitches and errors)
-Lag Moments (happens often in town)
-No UI configuration (moving/changing bar options)
-Poor Bosses
-Medium Skill Trees
Summarized Story
During the event of the two moon alignment, the Exile King Rictus and his magicians opened a gate to let the Pitborns and their leader Abbadon into the land. King Rictus thought he could control them but they were too powerful. They took over the land with little opposition. Then came Trieste, the savious, who banded with the six warriors/magicians and fought Abbadon and his forces. Their combined might failed to stop him and so Trieste sacrificed herself to close the gates of the two moons. The seal lasted for centuries it wore off. The Pitborns along with their ruler Abbadon are free to conquer the land. This is where you come in.
Link to full story
PC requirements
Casual Gaming
This game goes well with casual gamers as it's quests and dungeons aren't too long nor too hard. Playing from time to time keeps this game fresh. Generic friend and party system makes this game user-friendly and easy to pick up. The game isn't all about grinding to level up so you don't have to spend hours killing the same monsters over and over again.
Serious Gaming
Also good for serious gamers, this game has an awesome battle feature known as "siege battle" where 3+ guilds duke it out in large battles for control of the land! The pvp system can be a bit vicious as entering any dungeon allows you to attack anyone. There are "instances" every twenty levels as well as dungeons for parties. The game has a lot of quests which isn't only limited to collecting items or grinding a certain monster.
Getting Started
Official Website:
Supporting Website:
-pick fileshack for shorter lines and up to a 300kb/s transfer rate
Picking a Server:
Your account works on both servers but any characters made in one server will not be available in the other server. Creating a character on Trieste allows me to use that character on all Trieste servers but you will not find the same character on an Abbadon server. Trieste is usually more packed but has more players to interact with. Abbadon is smaller with only 3 sub-servers but should be less crowded which should get less lag.
Trieste: Kalibus, Asray, Blades, Oread, Horsea, Augur
Abbadon: Soulbane, Heartrender, Lifecrusher
Picking a Class
Azure Knight: With the choice of many melee weapons and physical improving skills, this knight is an overall melee contender.
Segita Hunter: Using a bow or crossbow or even a dagger, the hunter can attack from afar with powerful skills or up close with fast hard hitting attacks.
Incar Magician: The mage in the game with access to magic and three other elemental types of spells, she is a magical powerhouse.
Segnale: This is the healer in the game with great offensive capabilities. She comes with buffs, healing spells, curses, and great melee skills.
Bagi Warrior: Following in the old ways of martial arts, this warrior weilds metal knuckles and can unleash a barrage of fist and fury.
Vicious Summoner: Specializing in poison, you can either equip a dual sword or a staff that enhances magical damage. You can train pets as early as level 15.
Braiken or Loa
It doesn't matter except for the layout. I suggest Loa if you're fresh but then Braiken just seems cooler just because it feels more like a castle. Now you are free to start in the world of 2moons.
Written by MMOsite Volunteer Staff: Hivemind
Link to original post:,1.html
Overview The Basics
2moons is an American adaptation of the Korean MMO-RPG Dekaron. It is currently now in open beta. Recommended for 17+ due to language, blood content, and violence.
The Good Whats better than the generic MMO-RPGs
-Fresh Story
-Nice Artwork
- Good Graphics
-Great combat animations
-Not too Repetitive (grind>lvlup>buynewweapon>repeat)
-6 Classes
-Loads of quest for all levels
-More Dungeons
-NPCs have voices (with original/funny lines)
The Bad Game Issues
-Beta (with known glitches and errors)
-Lag Moments (happens often in town)
-No UI configuration (moving/changing bar options)
-Poor Bosses
-Medium Skill Trees
Summarized Story
During the event of the two moon alignment, the Exile King Rictus and his magicians opened a gate to let the Pitborns and their leader Abbadon into the land. King Rictus thought he could control them but they were too powerful. They took over the land with little opposition. Then came Trieste, the savious, who banded with the six warriors/magicians and fought Abbadon and his forces. Their combined might failed to stop him and so Trieste sacrificed herself to close the gates of the two moons. The seal lasted for centuries it wore off. The Pitborns along with their ruler Abbadon are free to conquer the land. This is where you come in.
Link to full story
PC requirements
Casual Gaming
This game goes well with casual gamers as it's quests and dungeons aren't too long nor too hard. Playing from time to time keeps this game fresh. Generic friend and party system makes this game user-friendly and easy to pick up. The game isn't all about grinding to level up so you don't have to spend hours killing the same monsters over and over again.
Serious Gaming
Also good for serious gamers, this game has an awesome battle feature known as "siege battle" where 3+ guilds duke it out in large battles for control of the land! The pvp system can be a bit vicious as entering any dungeon allows you to attack anyone. There are "instances" every twenty levels as well as dungeons for parties. The game has a lot of quests which isn't only limited to collecting items or grinding a certain monster.
Getting Started
Official Website:
Supporting Website:
-pick fileshack for shorter lines and up to a 300kb/s transfer rate
Picking a Server:
Your account works on both servers but any characters made in one server will not be available in the other server. Creating a character on Trieste allows me to use that character on all Trieste servers but you will not find the same character on an Abbadon server. Trieste is usually more packed but has more players to interact with. Abbadon is smaller with only 3 sub-servers but should be less crowded which should get less lag.
Trieste: Kalibus, Asray, Blades, Oread, Horsea, Augur
Abbadon: Soulbane, Heartrender, Lifecrusher
Picking a Class
Azure Knight: With the choice of many melee weapons and physical improving skills, this knight is an overall melee contender.
Segita Hunter: Using a bow or crossbow or even a dagger, the hunter can attack from afar with powerful skills or up close with fast hard hitting attacks.
Incar Magician: The mage in the game with access to magic and three other elemental types of spells, she is a magical powerhouse.
Segnale: This is the healer in the game with great offensive capabilities. She comes with buffs, healing spells, curses, and great melee skills.
Bagi Warrior: Following in the old ways of martial arts, this warrior weilds metal knuckles and can unleash a barrage of fist and fury.
Vicious Summoner: Specializing in poison, you can either equip a dual sword or a staff that enhances magical damage. You can train pets as early as level 15.
Braiken or Loa
It doesn't matter except for the layout. I suggest Loa if you're fresh but then Braiken just seems cooler just because it feels more like a castle. Now you are free to start in the world of 2moons.
Written by MMOsite Volunteer Staff: Hivemind
Link to original post:,1.html
Monday, November 16, 2009
Political ads of 2009 aspirants flickered your idiot box. See who're surfing up. Click their names to see their site.
Mar Roxas
Francis Chiz Escudero
Loren Legarda
Manny Villar
Jamby Madrigal
Bayani Fernando
Gilbert Teodoro
Noli De Castro
Noynoy Aquino
Link is broken as of this writing...
Erap Estrada
Kiko Pangilinan
Panfilo Lacson
Jejomar Binay
no picture as the site takes time to load... haaaayyy....
Ruffy Biazon
Teofisto Guingona III
Risa Hontiveros
Danny Lim
Frank Drilon
i like this pic... heheheh...
Political ads of 2009 aspirants flickered your idiot box. See who're surfing up. Click their names to see their site.
Mar Roxas
Francis Chiz Escudero
Loren Legarda
Manny Villar
Jamby Madrigal
Bayani Fernando
Gilbert Teodoro
Noli De Castro
Noynoy Aquino
Link is broken as of this writing...
Erap Estrada
Kiko Pangilinan
Panfilo Lacson
Jejomar Binay
no picture as the site takes time to load... haaaayyy....
Ruffy Biazon
Teofisto Guingona III
Risa Hontiveros
Danny Lim
Frank Drilon
i like this pic... heheheh...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Pinoys win Pacquiao-Cotto fight
GMA joins nation in rejoicing over Pacquiao's latest victory
(The Philippine Star) Updated November 16, 2009 12:00 AM
MANILA, Philippines - President Arroyo joined the entire nation yesterday in rejoicing over the latest victory of Manny Pacquiao over Miguel Cotto, saying it would inspire the Filipino youth that “there is no limit for our capacity for success.”
“Once again, Filipino grit and determination triumphed over great odds. May this serve as inspiration to the entire Filipino nation, especially to the youth, that there is no limit for our capacity for success for as long as we work hard, put our hearts and our minds to achieve our goals,” Mrs. Arroyo said in a statement.
“Manny trained long and hard, imposed stringent self discipline, persevered, and above all, has always placed himself in the hands of God. I hope we all learn from his example so that, together, we can also move forward as a nation,” she said.
Deputy presidential spokesperson Lorelei Fajardo said Pacquiao is “living proof that the Filipino can prevail over any challenge and conquer adversity.”
“Manny is most definitely the finest athlete the boxing world has ever seen and he is the pride of the Philippines,” Fajardo said.
“The Palace commends his indomitable spirit and triumphant legacy, his gift to all Filipinos and the world,” she said.
Pacquiao has won the world championships in the flyweight (112 pounds), super bantamweight (122 lb), featherweight (126 lb), super featherweight (130 lb), lightweight (135 lb), and light welterweight (140 lb).
Reports said no boxer has ever won seven world titles in seven weight divisions, and only four boxers have won six – Oscar de la Hoya, Thomas Hearns, Hector Camacho, and James Toney.
Politics set aside
Senators also temporarily set aside politics as they joined in the celebration of the technical knockout (TKO) victory of Pacquiao.
Senators Manuel Villar Jr., Pia Cayetano, Loren Legarda, Francis Escudero and majority leader Juan Miguel Zubiri congratulated Pacquiao for his seventh world title, the World Boxing Office (WBO) welterweight title.
“Congratulations on your astounding win over Puerto Rican boxer Miguel Cotto. Today as you set a new world record, you inspired our people to keep trying to make the impossible happen,” Villar said.
He cited Pacquiao’s perseverance and hard work in training for the fight.
“When you stepped into the ring, there was no doubt in our mind that this fight will bring glory to our country. We have seen how hard you trained for this fight and no other man is more ready and more deserving of the seven world titles that you carry now on your shoulders,” he said.
Zubiri said Pacquiao once again showed the world the Filipino spirit of perseverance while fighting opponents much larger that himself.
“He trounced Cotto like he was playing with the former champ, showing all of us Manny’s world class skills that no one in the boxing world can seem to match.
“Manny Pacquiao is truly a Philippine treasure that we should all emulate,” Zubiri said.
Escudero said Pacquiao once again made Filipinos feel great to be a Filipino.
“Manny is a fine example of how determination and discipline can propel one from the depths of deprivation to the pinnacle of power, and yet still remain humble,” Escudero said.
He said Pacquiao’s “continued success should inspire those of us who are often easily disheartened by difficult challenges and setbacks in daily life. Mabuhay ka Manny!”
Cayetano hailed the sensational 12th round TKO victory of Pacquiao.
“Manny Pacquiao has proven to be the Ironman of the boxing world. With his hard work, discipline and deep faith in God, Manny has secured an exclusive spot in ring history by being the only boxer to win a world title in seven different weight divisions,” Cayetano said.
“His victory brings fresh hope to a people badly in need of inspiration after being battered by two cyclones. He is truly the sport’s pound for pound king,” said the lady senator, who is also a tri-athlete and sports enthusiast.
Congressmen congratulate Pacquiao
Speaker Prospero Nograles said “Pacman from Mindanao showed to the entire world that we in the Philippines are really capable of overcoming anything through hard work and prayers.”
“We should learn from the guy two principles: One is, no fear; the other is, grit against all odds. We can do it. We can break all the records if we all just unite as one people.”
Nograles is one of several congressmen who flew to Las Vegas to watch the Pacquiao-Cotto fight.
Aurora Rep. Juan Edgardo Angara said Pacman’s “historic and smartly fought victory” enabled Filipinos to forget about their problems even for just a while.
“Once again, he has united and inspired the Filipino people. A masterful and truly historic performance for Manny,” he said.
Muntinlupa Rep. Ruffy Biazon said Pacquiao’s win “is something Filipinos can be proud of.”
“One win by one man, but a victory for millions of Filipinos.”
Meanwhile, Sen. Edgardo Angara is working on the creation of a national university for sports.
The Philippine Sports University will offer higher learning, promote research, and foster leadership and innovation in the country’s sports.
Angara has filed Senate Bill 3481which seeks to create the Philippine Sports University geared towards practical and scientific training methods and improvement of athletic performance to produce sports leaders and Olympians.
“Filipinos are natural athletes. Skill, endurance and competition are innate to us. We must nurture and develop Filipino athletic talent and create opportunities for our athletes to realize their potential to become the next Manny Pacquiao. If we pay more attention and pour in more resources to sports development, we will excel in many other fields. The Philippines can become a veritable sports power,” he said.
Angara said the upcoming South East Asian Games would be an ideal venue for Filipinos to be recognized for their athleticism. However, he said that while we have gained countless medals in the SEA Games, the country has won very few in the Olympics.
“By integrating the values of sportsmanship and academic excellence, we will be able to produce outstanding sport leaders, elite athletes and coaches of world-class caliber,” he said.
Bishops rejoice, too
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) also joined the nation in rejoicing over the victory of Pacquiao.
“Mabuhay si Pacquiao. He is the pride of the Philippines,” said outgoing CBCP president Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, adding that Filipinos’ prayers, especially of Pacquiao’s mother, Dionisia, have contributed much to his victory.
Basilan Bishop Martin Jumoad said Pacquiao’s recent victory would help improve the country’s tourism industry.
“We rejoice with Manny’s victory. It has given us a special place in history and with it our tourism industry will improve. Philippines will become known and Filipinos have something to be proud of. We now have ‘face-value,’” Jumoad told the Church-run Radio Veritas.
Fr. Anton Pascual, president of Radio Veritas and executive director Caritas Manila, said Pacquiao’s victory is also the victory of the Philippines.
“We see that Pacquiao has a strong fist which can be likened to a strong love of God for the people,” Pascual said.
Caloocan Bishop Deogracias Iniguez, chairman of the CBCP’s Committee on Public Affairs, said Pacquiao once again united the Filipinos.
“We rejoice at this victory of a fellow Filipino,” Iniguez said.
MILF, gov’t troops ceasefire
DAVAO CITY,Philippines – The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) expressed solidarity with the rest of the nation in the unmistakable pride that Pacquiao brought when he defeated Cotto in Las Vegas, Nevada yesterday.
“Of course, we are proud of him. We are proud of the honor he brought to the country,” MILF spokesman Eid Kabalu told The STAR.
Kabalu said yesterday’s fight could have ended earlier had Cotto faced Pacquiao squarely.
“Cotto was always running away. It could have ended very early,” the MILF spokesman said.
The duel between Pacquiao and Cotto also became an effective ceasefire mechanism as both government troops and MILF forces were glued to their television screens to watch the bout.
While most military camps can avail of the satellite broadcast of the fight, uninterrupted by commercials, the MILF rebels reportedly had to get by with the delayed broadcast of GMA7.
Kabalu said that unlike in urban centers where satellite cable services are available, the MILF forces were situated in areas that could not be reached by such cable providers.
Meanwhile, the Southern Mindanao region also virtually stood still yesterday as Pacquiao gave Cotto only his second taste of boxing defeat.
“It was generally peaceful in the region while the Pacquiao-Cotto fight was going on. There was no report of any crime. I understand everybody must have also been watching the fight,” Region XI police director Chief Superintendent Pedro Tango said. – Paolo Romero, Christina Mendez, Jess Diaz, James Mananghaya, Helen Flores, Edith Regalado
Solons pick Pacquiao live feed with constituents
By Leila Salaverria
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 21:19:00 11/15/2009
Filed Under: News, Sport, Boxing, Pacquiao, Government
MANILA, Philippines -- Instead of joining their peers in a widely criticized junket to Las Vegas for the Manny Pacquiao-Miguel Cotto bout, some politicians settled for the pay-per-view broadcast in the cozy company of their constituents.
After years of catching Pacquiao fights in the United States, Bacolod Rep. Monico Puentevella said he just decided to sponsor a public viewing of Pacquiao’s latest ring conquest, to which he invited barangay officials, youth leaders and political supporters, including victims of a recent fire.
The Visayan congressman earlier said he was skipping the Vegas trip in the wake of a massive fire that killed 17 people in a boarding house and destroyed some 50 homes in his city on Nov. 2.
Puentevella said Sunday’s viewing, which was held at his congressional office in Bacolod, added cheer to the birthday celebration of his son, Monico Jr.
And although he was nowhere near ringside at the MGM Grand Arena, the lawmaker said he still managed to “cover” the fight for a local radio station.
The congressman, who concurrently chairs the Philippine Olympic Committee, said he gave blow-by-blow accounts of what he saw on TV via phone patch over Radyo Bombo.
Since he has always been part of Pacquiao’s cheering squad in his previous fights in the United States, Puentevella said he personally had to explain to the Filipino ring icon why he could not join him on Sunday.
Bayan Muna Rep. Satur Ocampo, who last week announced plans to run for the Senate, said he saw the fight at Rizal Memorial Stadium in Manila, where the live broadcast was opened to the public free of charge.
Sharing the crowd’s jubilation over Pacquiao’s 12-round demolition of his Puerto Rican foe, Ocampo said the victory could easily earn votes for the boxing hero should he reenter politics.
Pacquiao lost in the congressional race in South Cotabato in 2007. The hugely popular athlete, who now has a thriving show biz career on the side, reportedly plans to take another crack at a House seat to represent Sarangani province in the May elections next year.
“Yes, such superb performance can easily get the votes for Pacquiao if he runs for public office,” Ocampo said. “But that does not necessarily mean he should run, or that it would make him a good legislator or public executive.”
Ocampo and Puentevella were, therefore, not among the targets of militant groups who assailed top government officials and legislators who flew to Las Vegas to watch the blockbuster fight.
Antonio Tinio, national chair of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), said “it would have been better if they had just donated the small fortunes they spent traveling to Las Vegas to victims of ‘Ondoy’ and ‘Pepeng,’ the killer storms that ravaged the country over the last two months.
“They should be aware that there will be a huge public backlash against politicians who will try to bask in Manny’s limelight,” Tinio warned.
Among those who flew to Las Vegas for the fight were Vice President Noli de Castro and a number of lawmakers led by Speaker Prospero Nograles, the group noted.
Teachers’ Dignity Coalition chair Benjo Basas criticized lawmakers “who left their posts and the stacks of legislative work undone supposedly to give moral support to Manny whose fights have become national events.”
“We ask these supposedly honorable men to get back to work immediately after the bout and pass social legislation that would boost the morale of the Filipino people, including both boxers and nonboxers,” Basas told the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
Other militant groups like the League of Filipino Students, Anakbayan and the National Union of Students of the Philippines earlier protested the so-called “pleasure trips” taken by the lawmakers.
With a report from Jerry E. Esplanada
Soldiers, Zamboangueños cheer Pacquiao win
by Queenie Casimiro, ABS-CBN News Zamboanga | 11/15/2009 4:16 PM
Residents of Zamboanga City, as well as soldiers in the southern Philippine city, joined the whole country in cheering for boxing champ, Manny Pacquiao, as he showered his opponent Miguel Cotto with heavy punches.
Free public viewing of the fight was set up in several gymnasiums in the city, where boxing enthusiasts flocked.
Officers and soldiers of the Armed Forces’ Western Mindanao Command (WesMinCom) also gathered at the military gym , tagging along their wives and kids, who also rose to their feet in excitement everytime “Pacman” brought Cotto down. Cotto went down during the third and fourth rounds.
Maj Gen Benjamin Dolorfino, WesMinCom, said that once again Pacquiao brought honor to the Armed Forces of the Philippines and to his countrymen.
Edgar Araojo, Akbayan partylist group regional secretary general, meanwhile said, "Pacquiao is the only good thing that has happened to the Philippines in 8 years." by Queenie Casimiro, ABS-CBN News Zamboanga
Everybody loves a winner
PRESIDENT Arroyo asked the people to emulate the grit and determination of the acknowledged pound for pound champion Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao.
"Once again, Filipino grit and determination triumphed over great odds. May this serve as inspiration to the nation especially the youth that there is no limit to our capacity for success for as long as we work hard, put our hearts and focus our minds to achieve our goals," Press Secretary Cerge Remonde said, quoting Arroyo.
Remonde said the President failed to watch the bout due to her tight schedule at the Asia Pacific Economic Conference in Singapore.
"I hope we all learn from his example so that, together, we can also move forward as a nation," she added.
Deputy presidential spokesperson Lorelei Fajardo said Pacquiao is living proof that the Filipino can prevail over any challenges and conquer any adversity.
Deputy presidential spokesman Gary Olivar said Malacañang "has exhausted all possible honors and awards that could possibly be heaped on Manny because of his many victories."
Aside from Champion for Life, Pacquiao is also President Arroyo’s special peace envoy to rebels.
Olivar said it is up to the administration leadership if it wants to draft Pacquiao in its senatorial line-up to boost the chances of the ruling Lakas-Kampi-CMD in the 2010 elections.
Outgoing Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr and Armed Forces chief Victor Ibrado joined thousands of soldiers in cheering for Pacquiao.
Pacquiao is a sergeant major of the Army’s reserve force and holds the rank of senior master sergeant.
Teodoro, who predicted that Pacquiao would win by a third round knockout, said he admires the boxing icon’s tenacity in the ring.
He said the Pacquiao-Cotto match was not only watched in Metro Manila including in Mindanao where he said the fighting "natural(ly)" stopped temporarily.
Ibrado said Pacquiao has accomplished a mean feat.
"Nag-set siya ng record sa buong mundo ng boxing na nakuha nya yung ikapitong world title, no one has ever done that yet, si Manny Pacquiao lang," he said.
Lt. Col. Romeo Brawner, AFP public affairs office chief, said the rank and file congratulate Pacquiao who displayed the courage and determination of a true Filipino warrior.
"His victory showed us how we can be united as a people. May this spirit of oneness continue so that lasting peace and development in our country can be achieved soon," said Brawner.
At Army headquarters in Fort Bonifacio, Army chief Lt. Gen. Delfin Bangit led thousands of officers and civilians at the Army gym to watch the bout.
"The Philippine Army has been supporting Manny, we had this kind of free viewing because Manny Pacquiao is not only a national icon but also a reservist of the Philippine Army," said Army spokesman Lt. Col. Arnulfo Marcelo Burgos.
Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, said Pacquiao will always remain as the country’s pride.
Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez, chair of the CBCP-Committee on Public Affairs, said Pacquiao once again unified the country.
Speaker Prospero Nograles said watching Pacquiao beat Cotto made him proud to be a Filipino.
"We should learn from the guy two principles: one is no fear and the other is grit against all the odds. We can do it. We can break all the records if we all just united as one people," he said.
Rep. Roilo Golez (Ind., Parañaque) said Pacquiao "has reached demigod status in the world of boxing."
Sen. Manuel Villar said Pacquiao continues to inspire his countrymen "to keep trying to make the impossible happen."
"Thank you Manny, for giving this nation who have been battered by back-to-back calamities, a reason to celebrate."
Senate majority leader Juan Miguel Zubiri said Pacquiao once again showed the world the Filipino spirit of perseverance while fighting opponents much larger that himself.
Bro. Eddie Villanueva said Pacquiao was gentlemanly yet ferocious and humble though a champ. - Jocelyn Montemayor, Regina Bengco, Victor Reyes, Gerard Naval and Wendell Vigilia
(The Philippine Star) Updated November 16, 2009 12:00 AM
MANILA, Philippines - President Arroyo joined the entire nation yesterday in rejoicing over the latest victory of Manny Pacquiao over Miguel Cotto, saying it would inspire the Filipino youth that “there is no limit for our capacity for success.”
“Once again, Filipino grit and determination triumphed over great odds. May this serve as inspiration to the entire Filipino nation, especially to the youth, that there is no limit for our capacity for success for as long as we work hard, put our hearts and our minds to achieve our goals,” Mrs. Arroyo said in a statement.
“Manny trained long and hard, imposed stringent self discipline, persevered, and above all, has always placed himself in the hands of God. I hope we all learn from his example so that, together, we can also move forward as a nation,” she said.
Deputy presidential spokesperson Lorelei Fajardo said Pacquiao is “living proof that the Filipino can prevail over any challenge and conquer adversity.”
“Manny is most definitely the finest athlete the boxing world has ever seen and he is the pride of the Philippines,” Fajardo said.
“The Palace commends his indomitable spirit and triumphant legacy, his gift to all Filipinos and the world,” she said.
Pacquiao has won the world championships in the flyweight (112 pounds), super bantamweight (122 lb), featherweight (126 lb), super featherweight (130 lb), lightweight (135 lb), and light welterweight (140 lb).
Reports said no boxer has ever won seven world titles in seven weight divisions, and only four boxers have won six – Oscar de la Hoya, Thomas Hearns, Hector Camacho, and James Toney.
Politics set aside
Senators also temporarily set aside politics as they joined in the celebration of the technical knockout (TKO) victory of Pacquiao.
Senators Manuel Villar Jr., Pia Cayetano, Loren Legarda, Francis Escudero and majority leader Juan Miguel Zubiri congratulated Pacquiao for his seventh world title, the World Boxing Office (WBO) welterweight title.
“Congratulations on your astounding win over Puerto Rican boxer Miguel Cotto. Today as you set a new world record, you inspired our people to keep trying to make the impossible happen,” Villar said.
He cited Pacquiao’s perseverance and hard work in training for the fight.
“When you stepped into the ring, there was no doubt in our mind that this fight will bring glory to our country. We have seen how hard you trained for this fight and no other man is more ready and more deserving of the seven world titles that you carry now on your shoulders,” he said.
Zubiri said Pacquiao once again showed the world the Filipino spirit of perseverance while fighting opponents much larger that himself.
“He trounced Cotto like he was playing with the former champ, showing all of us Manny’s world class skills that no one in the boxing world can seem to match.
“Manny Pacquiao is truly a Philippine treasure that we should all emulate,” Zubiri said.
Escudero said Pacquiao once again made Filipinos feel great to be a Filipino.
“Manny is a fine example of how determination and discipline can propel one from the depths of deprivation to the pinnacle of power, and yet still remain humble,” Escudero said.
He said Pacquiao’s “continued success should inspire those of us who are often easily disheartened by difficult challenges and setbacks in daily life. Mabuhay ka Manny!”
Cayetano hailed the sensational 12th round TKO victory of Pacquiao.
“Manny Pacquiao has proven to be the Ironman of the boxing world. With his hard work, discipline and deep faith in God, Manny has secured an exclusive spot in ring history by being the only boxer to win a world title in seven different weight divisions,” Cayetano said.
“His victory brings fresh hope to a people badly in need of inspiration after being battered by two cyclones. He is truly the sport’s pound for pound king,” said the lady senator, who is also a tri-athlete and sports enthusiast.
Congressmen congratulate Pacquiao
Speaker Prospero Nograles said “Pacman from Mindanao showed to the entire world that we in the Philippines are really capable of overcoming anything through hard work and prayers.”
“We should learn from the guy two principles: One is, no fear; the other is, grit against all odds. We can do it. We can break all the records if we all just unite as one people.”
Nograles is one of several congressmen who flew to Las Vegas to watch the Pacquiao-Cotto fight.
Aurora Rep. Juan Edgardo Angara said Pacman’s “historic and smartly fought victory” enabled Filipinos to forget about their problems even for just a while.
“Once again, he has united and inspired the Filipino people. A masterful and truly historic performance for Manny,” he said.
Muntinlupa Rep. Ruffy Biazon said Pacquiao’s win “is something Filipinos can be proud of.”
“One win by one man, but a victory for millions of Filipinos.”
Meanwhile, Sen. Edgardo Angara is working on the creation of a national university for sports.
The Philippine Sports University will offer higher learning, promote research, and foster leadership and innovation in the country’s sports.
Angara has filed Senate Bill 3481which seeks to create the Philippine Sports University geared towards practical and scientific training methods and improvement of athletic performance to produce sports leaders and Olympians.
“Filipinos are natural athletes. Skill, endurance and competition are innate to us. We must nurture and develop Filipino athletic talent and create opportunities for our athletes to realize their potential to become the next Manny Pacquiao. If we pay more attention and pour in more resources to sports development, we will excel in many other fields. The Philippines can become a veritable sports power,” he said.
Angara said the upcoming South East Asian Games would be an ideal venue for Filipinos to be recognized for their athleticism. However, he said that while we have gained countless medals in the SEA Games, the country has won very few in the Olympics.
“By integrating the values of sportsmanship and academic excellence, we will be able to produce outstanding sport leaders, elite athletes and coaches of world-class caliber,” he said.
Bishops rejoice, too
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) also joined the nation in rejoicing over the victory of Pacquiao.
“Mabuhay si Pacquiao. He is the pride of the Philippines,” said outgoing CBCP president Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, adding that Filipinos’ prayers, especially of Pacquiao’s mother, Dionisia, have contributed much to his victory.
Basilan Bishop Martin Jumoad said Pacquiao’s recent victory would help improve the country’s tourism industry.
“We rejoice with Manny’s victory. It has given us a special place in history and with it our tourism industry will improve. Philippines will become known and Filipinos have something to be proud of. We now have ‘face-value,’” Jumoad told the Church-run Radio Veritas.
Fr. Anton Pascual, president of Radio Veritas and executive director Caritas Manila, said Pacquiao’s victory is also the victory of the Philippines.
“We see that Pacquiao has a strong fist which can be likened to a strong love of God for the people,” Pascual said.
Caloocan Bishop Deogracias Iniguez, chairman of the CBCP’s Committee on Public Affairs, said Pacquiao once again united the Filipinos.
“We rejoice at this victory of a fellow Filipino,” Iniguez said.
MILF, gov’t troops ceasefire
DAVAO CITY,Philippines – The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) expressed solidarity with the rest of the nation in the unmistakable pride that Pacquiao brought when he defeated Cotto in Las Vegas, Nevada yesterday.
“Of course, we are proud of him. We are proud of the honor he brought to the country,” MILF spokesman Eid Kabalu told The STAR.
Kabalu said yesterday’s fight could have ended earlier had Cotto faced Pacquiao squarely.
“Cotto was always running away. It could have ended very early,” the MILF spokesman said.
The duel between Pacquiao and Cotto also became an effective ceasefire mechanism as both government troops and MILF forces were glued to their television screens to watch the bout.
While most military camps can avail of the satellite broadcast of the fight, uninterrupted by commercials, the MILF rebels reportedly had to get by with the delayed broadcast of GMA7.
Kabalu said that unlike in urban centers where satellite cable services are available, the MILF forces were situated in areas that could not be reached by such cable providers.
Meanwhile, the Southern Mindanao region also virtually stood still yesterday as Pacquiao gave Cotto only his second taste of boxing defeat.
“It was generally peaceful in the region while the Pacquiao-Cotto fight was going on. There was no report of any crime. I understand everybody must have also been watching the fight,” Region XI police director Chief Superintendent Pedro Tango said. – Paolo Romero, Christina Mendez, Jess Diaz, James Mananghaya, Helen Flores, Edith Regalado
Solons pick Pacquiao live feed with constituents
By Leila Salaverria
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 21:19:00 11/15/2009
Filed Under: News, Sport, Boxing, Pacquiao, Government
MANILA, Philippines -- Instead of joining their peers in a widely criticized junket to Las Vegas for the Manny Pacquiao-Miguel Cotto bout, some politicians settled for the pay-per-view broadcast in the cozy company of their constituents.
After years of catching Pacquiao fights in the United States, Bacolod Rep. Monico Puentevella said he just decided to sponsor a public viewing of Pacquiao’s latest ring conquest, to which he invited barangay officials, youth leaders and political supporters, including victims of a recent fire.
The Visayan congressman earlier said he was skipping the Vegas trip in the wake of a massive fire that killed 17 people in a boarding house and destroyed some 50 homes in his city on Nov. 2.
Puentevella said Sunday’s viewing, which was held at his congressional office in Bacolod, added cheer to the birthday celebration of his son, Monico Jr.
And although he was nowhere near ringside at the MGM Grand Arena, the lawmaker said he still managed to “cover” the fight for a local radio station.
The congressman, who concurrently chairs the Philippine Olympic Committee, said he gave blow-by-blow accounts of what he saw on TV via phone patch over Radyo Bombo.
Since he has always been part of Pacquiao’s cheering squad in his previous fights in the United States, Puentevella said he personally had to explain to the Filipino ring icon why he could not join him on Sunday.
Bayan Muna Rep. Satur Ocampo, who last week announced plans to run for the Senate, said he saw the fight at Rizal Memorial Stadium in Manila, where the live broadcast was opened to the public free of charge.
Sharing the crowd’s jubilation over Pacquiao’s 12-round demolition of his Puerto Rican foe, Ocampo said the victory could easily earn votes for the boxing hero should he reenter politics.
Pacquiao lost in the congressional race in South Cotabato in 2007. The hugely popular athlete, who now has a thriving show biz career on the side, reportedly plans to take another crack at a House seat to represent Sarangani province in the May elections next year.
“Yes, such superb performance can easily get the votes for Pacquiao if he runs for public office,” Ocampo said. “But that does not necessarily mean he should run, or that it would make him a good legislator or public executive.”
Ocampo and Puentevella were, therefore, not among the targets of militant groups who assailed top government officials and legislators who flew to Las Vegas to watch the blockbuster fight.
Antonio Tinio, national chair of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), said “it would have been better if they had just donated the small fortunes they spent traveling to Las Vegas to victims of ‘Ondoy’ and ‘Pepeng,’ the killer storms that ravaged the country over the last two months.
“They should be aware that there will be a huge public backlash against politicians who will try to bask in Manny’s limelight,” Tinio warned.
Among those who flew to Las Vegas for the fight were Vice President Noli de Castro and a number of lawmakers led by Speaker Prospero Nograles, the group noted.
Teachers’ Dignity Coalition chair Benjo Basas criticized lawmakers “who left their posts and the stacks of legislative work undone supposedly to give moral support to Manny whose fights have become national events.”
“We ask these supposedly honorable men to get back to work immediately after the bout and pass social legislation that would boost the morale of the Filipino people, including both boxers and nonboxers,” Basas told the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
Other militant groups like the League of Filipino Students, Anakbayan and the National Union of Students of the Philippines earlier protested the so-called “pleasure trips” taken by the lawmakers.
With a report from Jerry E. Esplanada
Soldiers, Zamboangueños cheer Pacquiao win
by Queenie Casimiro, ABS-CBN News Zamboanga | 11/15/2009 4:16 PM
Residents of Zamboanga City, as well as soldiers in the southern Philippine city, joined the whole country in cheering for boxing champ, Manny Pacquiao, as he showered his opponent Miguel Cotto with heavy punches.
Free public viewing of the fight was set up in several gymnasiums in the city, where boxing enthusiasts flocked.
Officers and soldiers of the Armed Forces’ Western Mindanao Command (WesMinCom) also gathered at the military gym , tagging along their wives and kids, who also rose to their feet in excitement everytime “Pacman” brought Cotto down. Cotto went down during the third and fourth rounds.
Maj Gen Benjamin Dolorfino, WesMinCom, said that once again Pacquiao brought honor to the Armed Forces of the Philippines and to his countrymen.
Edgar Araojo, Akbayan partylist group regional secretary general, meanwhile said, "Pacquiao is the only good thing that has happened to the Philippines in 8 years." by Queenie Casimiro, ABS-CBN News Zamboanga
Everybody loves a winner
PRESIDENT Arroyo asked the people to emulate the grit and determination of the acknowledged pound for pound champion Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao.
"Once again, Filipino grit and determination triumphed over great odds. May this serve as inspiration to the nation especially the youth that there is no limit to our capacity for success for as long as we work hard, put our hearts and focus our minds to achieve our goals," Press Secretary Cerge Remonde said, quoting Arroyo.
Remonde said the President failed to watch the bout due to her tight schedule at the Asia Pacific Economic Conference in Singapore.
"I hope we all learn from his example so that, together, we can also move forward as a nation," she added.
Deputy presidential spokesperson Lorelei Fajardo said Pacquiao is living proof that the Filipino can prevail over any challenges and conquer any adversity.
Deputy presidential spokesman Gary Olivar said Malacañang "has exhausted all possible honors and awards that could possibly be heaped on Manny because of his many victories."
Aside from Champion for Life, Pacquiao is also President Arroyo’s special peace envoy to rebels.
Olivar said it is up to the administration leadership if it wants to draft Pacquiao in its senatorial line-up to boost the chances of the ruling Lakas-Kampi-CMD in the 2010 elections.
Outgoing Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr and Armed Forces chief Victor Ibrado joined thousands of soldiers in cheering for Pacquiao.
Pacquiao is a sergeant major of the Army’s reserve force and holds the rank of senior master sergeant.
Teodoro, who predicted that Pacquiao would win by a third round knockout, said he admires the boxing icon’s tenacity in the ring.
He said the Pacquiao-Cotto match was not only watched in Metro Manila including in Mindanao where he said the fighting "natural(ly)" stopped temporarily.
Ibrado said Pacquiao has accomplished a mean feat.
"Nag-set siya ng record sa buong mundo ng boxing na nakuha nya yung ikapitong world title, no one has ever done that yet, si Manny Pacquiao lang," he said.
Lt. Col. Romeo Brawner, AFP public affairs office chief, said the rank and file congratulate Pacquiao who displayed the courage and determination of a true Filipino warrior.
"His victory showed us how we can be united as a people. May this spirit of oneness continue so that lasting peace and development in our country can be achieved soon," said Brawner.
At Army headquarters in Fort Bonifacio, Army chief Lt. Gen. Delfin Bangit led thousands of officers and civilians at the Army gym to watch the bout.
"The Philippine Army has been supporting Manny, we had this kind of free viewing because Manny Pacquiao is not only a national icon but also a reservist of the Philippine Army," said Army spokesman Lt. Col. Arnulfo Marcelo Burgos.
Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, said Pacquiao will always remain as the country’s pride.
Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez, chair of the CBCP-Committee on Public Affairs, said Pacquiao once again unified the country.
Speaker Prospero Nograles said watching Pacquiao beat Cotto made him proud to be a Filipino.
"We should learn from the guy two principles: one is no fear and the other is grit against all the odds. We can do it. We can break all the records if we all just united as one people," he said.
Rep. Roilo Golez (Ind., Parañaque) said Pacquiao "has reached demigod status in the world of boxing."
Sen. Manuel Villar said Pacquiao continues to inspire his countrymen "to keep trying to make the impossible happen."
"Thank you Manny, for giving this nation who have been battered by back-to-back calamities, a reason to celebrate."
Senate majority leader Juan Miguel Zubiri said Pacquiao once again showed the world the Filipino spirit of perseverance while fighting opponents much larger that himself.
Bro. Eddie Villanueva said Pacquiao was gentlemanly yet ferocious and humble though a champ. - Jocelyn Montemayor, Regina Bengco, Victor Reyes, Gerard Naval and Wendell Vigilia
MU Guide: How to complete 3rd class quest
How to become a 3-level characters? The answer is here:)
What is the class?
Dark Knight => Blade Knight => Blade Master
Dark Wizard => Soul Master => Grand Master
Elf => Muse Elf => High Elf
Summoner => Bloody Summoner => Dimension Master
------------=> Magic Gladiator => Duel Master
------------=> Dark Lord => Lord Emperor
So do the following!
1.If you have a second level of character that has 400lvl go to CryWolf map.
2.Find Priest of Devin Coord: X227 Y49, press on him and receive the first task - to find 3 different quest items:
* Flame of Death Beam Knight - are falling from the Death Beam Knight Tarkan, Coord about: X152 Y218
* Horn of Hell Maine - falls from Hell Maine - Aida2
* Feather of Phoenix - falling from Phoenix, Icarus Coord about: x40 Y231
3.When all 3 items found, go back to CryWolf at the Priest of Devin, transmit and receive the second task - kill monsters
* Soram (Hero) 20x
* Balra (Hero) 20x
* Death Spirit (Hero) 20x
4.Then go to CryWolf Coord: X63 Y239. At WareWolf quarrel, Click on him and get in Barackas
5.KIll monsters referred to in paragraph 3
6.Go to CryWolf at Priest of Devin will receive 3rd task - killed Dark Elf (Hero)
7.Go at WareWolf quarrel, and get in Barackas.
8.Go through the Baracks Coord: X129 Y167, there are Gatekeeper - Gates of the wolf head on top
9.Press on the head and get in Refuge, there kill Dark Elf (Hero)
10.Then go again to the CryWolf, at priest of Devin and the whole executed:)
What is the class?
Dark Knight => Blade Knight => Blade Master
Dark Wizard => Soul Master => Grand Master
Elf => Muse Elf => High Elf
Summoner => Bloody Summoner => Dimension Master
------------=> Magic Gladiator => Duel Master
------------=> Dark Lord => Lord Emperor
So do the following!
1.If you have a second level of character that has 400lvl go to CryWolf map.
2.Find Priest of Devin Coord: X227 Y49, press on him and receive the first task - to find 3 different quest items:
* Flame of Death Beam Knight - are falling from the Death Beam Knight Tarkan, Coord about: X152 Y218
* Horn of Hell Maine - falls from Hell Maine - Aida2
* Feather of Phoenix - falling from Phoenix, Icarus Coord about: x40 Y231
3.When all 3 items found, go back to CryWolf at the Priest of Devin, transmit and receive the second task - kill monsters
* Soram (Hero) 20x
* Balra (Hero) 20x
* Death Spirit (Hero) 20x
4.Then go to CryWolf Coord: X63 Y239. At WareWolf quarrel, Click on him and get in Barackas
5.KIll monsters referred to in paragraph 3
6.Go to CryWolf at Priest of Devin will receive 3rd task - killed Dark Elf (Hero)
7.Go at WareWolf quarrel, and get in Barackas.
8.Go through the Baracks Coord: X129 Y167, there are Gatekeeper - Gates of the wolf head on top
9.Press on the head and get in Refuge, there kill Dark Elf (Hero)
10.Then go again to the CryWolf, at priest of Devin and the whole executed:)
Posted by SureBuyer
Hi, all the MU enthusiastic MU players in the Philippines.
Just recently, I had some time to gather information regarding Season 4, and now I am able to write here in the forum. I was wondering if I was about to reveal information that might go against Mobius's policy but I have spoken with Mobius Managers directly to get the Go signal. So, here are the details..
First of all,
Please excuse me that I am not familar with Tagalog. So, I will explain in plain English regarding the contents of SEASON 4.
Season 4 has been launched since last summer in 2008 in Korea. I have been observing ideas and thoughts from many Korean Users in Korea. (I used to play in Korean MU as well..)
Now check it out,
As you see, Level Cap of 400 is eventually Lifted.
You do not gain STAT POINTS.. But you gain SKILL POINTS to invest the skill points for
your choice of skill trees. (If you were a Diablo2 Player (We do not support text speak), then you can imagine what it is..)
Those Skill trees are very diversified.. IE, Improved Physical Defense. PVP attack success rate, defense Rate,
Increasing Zen after kill, Reducing wear rate of your high valued Gear for repair, improving your skill dmg,
etc.... I just can't recall all of them...
But the catch is, to gain exp for killing mobs after level 400, you must kill mobs level equal or higher than
BERSERK at Kantur 2. ( Mob level 95 plus i think.)
Yup, it's the new Summoner. I guess I don't have to explain about this. Pass..
Those are the New Maps you can explore...
SWAMP is where all the 400 plus Master Level Users hunts.
La Cleon is somewhat similar to Kalima but the mobs are very powerful.
I would rather not mention about the maps and mobs beyong this point but to
let you experience those when Season 4 launches.
This is something new...
The Socket Items... There are new weapons and armor sets for each classes.
As what i know, all the classes get 2 different socket weapons and socket armor sets.
Into these sockets, (just like Diablo2), u can enchant it with excellent options.
This is one of the biggest changes that made MU in Korean Server.
For BK, Flamberge is the top notch socket weapon
ELF, Dark Stinger is the bow..
MG, Rune Bastard Sword or Deadly Staff
Sorry for the Wiz,DL, and Summoner that I can't recall the names of items at this moment.
Anyway, this socket system will bring a big change into the game play.
Now, all classes get NEW SET ITEMS which is alternative to the current Hyon, Anubis, Argo, Gaion, etc sets.
All the new sets have different traits so it's little tricky to say which is good or bad...
However, the usual market price in Korean MU server for the new set items is usually at 2:1 ratio. (new sets aree double price of the older ones)
I won't mention any further about this issue.
Yes there are new wings.. 3rd wing for the characters advanced to 3rd class change up.
Upon the Third class change up completion, you gain 70 extra STAT points and entitled to
wear 3rd Wing. (MG becomes Duel Master after the completition.. Sorry, I only play MG so..)
As what I have observed, it is said that the effect of +9 3rd wing is somewhat equal to the performance of
+15~+16 2nd Wing (if there were +16 ever.. just for comparison)
Yup, it looks much nicer but it's very difficult to succeed in creating it.. Max 40% success rate.
And it takes whole bunch of this and that to make it.. BUT, it is really worth it for the pain.
Lag creating New Skills are there of course...
These are the brief summary of what we have been missing for the season 3 and season 4.
I just wanted to share the info with MU Philippines Players.
I have spent enough time to get the info and put all these up here and I do not appreciate someone
posting a negative or insulting comment. I belive that all of you are mature enough to share these info
with friends, guildmates and prepare for the season 4.
Personally, I don't know the exact date of when Season 4 will launch here in the Philippines.
I tried to talk to the Managers at Mobius but was not able to get the answer for it.
However, few months ago, i heard that they were in the language translation and debugging process.
Hope we get it sooner than expected!
Thanks. Have a great day.
Hi, all the MU enthusiastic MU players in the Philippines.
Just recently, I had some time to gather information regarding Season 4, and now I am able to write here in the forum. I was wondering if I was about to reveal information that might go against Mobius's policy but I have spoken with Mobius Managers directly to get the Go signal. So, here are the details..
First of all,
Please excuse me that I am not familar with Tagalog. So, I will explain in plain English regarding the contents of SEASON 4.
Season 4 has been launched since last summer in 2008 in Korea. I have been observing ideas and thoughts from many Korean Users in Korea. (I used to play in Korean MU as well..)
Now check it out,
As you see, Level Cap of 400 is eventually Lifted.
You do not gain STAT POINTS.. But you gain SKILL POINTS to invest the skill points for
your choice of skill trees. (If you were a Diablo2 Player (We do not support text speak), then you can imagine what it is..)
Those Skill trees are very diversified.. IE, Improved Physical Defense. PVP attack success rate, defense Rate,
Increasing Zen after kill, Reducing wear rate of your high valued Gear for repair, improving your skill dmg,
etc.... I just can't recall all of them...
But the catch is, to gain exp for killing mobs after level 400, you must kill mobs level equal or higher than
BERSERK at Kantur 2. ( Mob level 95 plus i think.)
Yup, it's the new Summoner. I guess I don't have to explain about this. Pass..
Those are the New Maps you can explore...
SWAMP is where all the 400 plus Master Level Users hunts.
La Cleon is somewhat similar to Kalima but the mobs are very powerful.
I would rather not mention about the maps and mobs beyong this point but to
let you experience those when Season 4 launches.
This is something new...
The Socket Items... There are new weapons and armor sets for each classes.
As what i know, all the classes get 2 different socket weapons and socket armor sets.
Into these sockets, (just like Diablo2), u can enchant it with excellent options.
This is one of the biggest changes that made MU in Korean Server.
For BK, Flamberge is the top notch socket weapon
ELF, Dark Stinger is the bow..
MG, Rune Bastard Sword or Deadly Staff
Sorry for the Wiz,DL, and Summoner that I can't recall the names of items at this moment.
Anyway, this socket system will bring a big change into the game play.
Now, all classes get NEW SET ITEMS which is alternative to the current Hyon, Anubis, Argo, Gaion, etc sets.
All the new sets have different traits so it's little tricky to say which is good or bad...
However, the usual market price in Korean MU server for the new set items is usually at 2:1 ratio. (new sets aree double price of the older ones)
I won't mention any further about this issue.
Yes there are new wings.. 3rd wing for the characters advanced to 3rd class change up.
Upon the Third class change up completion, you gain 70 extra STAT points and entitled to
wear 3rd Wing. (MG becomes Duel Master after the completition.. Sorry, I only play MG so..)
As what I have observed, it is said that the effect of +9 3rd wing is somewhat equal to the performance of
+15~+16 2nd Wing (if there were +16 ever.. just for comparison)
Yup, it looks much nicer but it's very difficult to succeed in creating it.. Max 40% success rate.
And it takes whole bunch of this and that to make it.. BUT, it is really worth it for the pain.
Lag creating New Skills are there of course...
These are the brief summary of what we have been missing for the season 3 and season 4.
I just wanted to share the info with MU Philippines Players.
I have spent enough time to get the info and put all these up here and I do not appreciate someone
posting a negative or insulting comment. I belive that all of you are mature enough to share these info
with friends, guildmates and prepare for the season 4.
Personally, I don't know the exact date of when Season 4 will launch here in the Philippines.
I tried to talk to the Managers at Mobius but was not able to get the answer for it.
However, few months ago, i heard that they were in the language translation and debugging process.
Hope we get it sooner than expected!
Thanks. Have a great day.
MU Guide: Season 4 New Anicient Items, 8 New Ancient Items in Season 4
Blade Knight Ancient Set
Vicious Dragon Set
2 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +15
3 Set option : Increased Damage +15
4 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
Full set Option
Increase Minimum Attack Damage +20
Increase Maximum Attack Damage +30
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Set Items Parts
Ring of Earth (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Helm (+5-10 Vitality)
Soul Master Ancient Set
Isis Legendary Set
2 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +10
3 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
4 Set option : Energy +30
Full set Option
Increase Wizardry Damage + 10%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)
Muse Elf Ancient Set
Aruane Guardian Set
2 Set option : Increased Damage +10
3 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
4 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +20
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)
Magic Gladiator Ancient Set
Muren Storm Crow Set
2 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +10
3 Set option : Increase Wizardry Damage + 10%
4 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Defense +25
Increase Two-handed Weapon Equipment Damage + 20%
Set Items Parts
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Gauntlets (+5-10 Vitality)
Ring of Fire (+5-10 Vitality)
Dark Lord Ancient Set
Agnis Adamantine Set
2 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
3 Set option : Increase Defense +40
4 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +20
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Critical Damage +20
Increase Excellent Damage +20
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Ring of Poison (+5-10 Vitality)
Dark Lord Second Ancient Set
Browii Adamantine Set
2 Set option : Increase Damage +20
3 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +20
4 Set option : Increase Energy +30
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Increase Command +30
Set Items Parts
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Gauntlets (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)
Pendant of Ice (+5-10 Vitality)
Summoner Ancient Set
Krono Red Wing Set
2 Set option : Double Damage Rate +20%
3 Set option : Increase Defense +60
4 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +30
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Critical Damage +20
Increase Excellent Damage +20
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Gauntlets (+5-10 Vitality)
Ring of Magic (+5-10 Energy)
Summoner Second Ancient Set
Semeden Red Wing Set
2 Set option : Increase Wizardry + 15%
3 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +25
4 Set option : Increase Energy +30
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Gauntlets (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)
Vicious Dragon Set
2 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +15
3 Set option : Increased Damage +15
4 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
Full set Option
Increase Minimum Attack Damage +20
Increase Maximum Attack Damage +30
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Set Items Parts
Ring of Earth (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Helm (+5-10 Vitality)
Soul Master Ancient Set
Isis Legendary Set
2 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +10
3 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
4 Set option : Energy +30
Full set Option
Increase Wizardry Damage + 10%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)
Muse Elf Ancient Set
Aruane Guardian Set
2 Set option : Increased Damage +10
3 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
4 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +20
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)
Magic Gladiator Ancient Set
Muren Storm Crow Set
2 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +10
3 Set option : Increase Wizardry Damage + 10%
4 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Defense +25
Increase Two-handed Weapon Equipment Damage + 20%
Set Items Parts
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Gauntlets (+5-10 Vitality)
Ring of Fire (+5-10 Vitality)
Dark Lord Ancient Set
Agnis Adamantine Set
2 Set option : Double Damage Rate + 10%
3 Set option : Increase Defense +40
4 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +20
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Critical Damage +20
Increase Excellent Damage +20
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Ring of Poison (+5-10 Vitality)
Dark Lord Second Ancient Set
Browii Adamantine Set
2 Set option : Increase Damage +20
3 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +20
4 Set option : Increase Energy +30
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Increase Command +30
Set Items Parts
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Gauntlets (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)
Pendant of Ice (+5-10 Vitality)
Summoner Ancient Set
Krono Red Wing Set
2 Set option : Double Damage Rate +20%
3 Set option : Increase Defense +60
4 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +30
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Critical Damage +20
Increase Excellent Damage +20
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Pants (+5-10 Vitality)
Gauntlets (+5-10 Vitality)
Ring of Magic (+5-10 Energy)
Summoner Second Ancient Set
Semeden Red Wing Set
2 Set option : Increase Wizardry + 15%
3 Set option : Increase Skill Damage +25
4 Set option : Increase Energy +30
Full set Option
Increase Critical Damage Rate + 15%
Increase Excellent Damage Rate + 15%
Ignore Opponents Defensive Skill + 5%
Set Items Parts
Helmet (+5-10 Vitality)
Armor (+5-10 Vitality)
Gauntlets (+5-10 Vitality)
Boots (+5-10 Vitality)
MU Guide: 3rd Job Class
Class Tree
Quest Details
Each class will need to go through a three-stage quest in order to unlock their 3rd job class. Each stage will reward the character with bonus stat points. In addition to this, completion of the final quest will not only transform the character into the 3rd job class, but will also allow access of Master Level.
* Level 380 is required
** Level 400 is required
Quest Details
Each class will need to go through a three-stage quest in order to unlock their 3rd job class. Each stage will reward the character with bonus stat points. In addition to this, completion of the final quest will not only transform the character into the 3rd job class, but will also allow access of Master Level.
* Level 380 is required
** Level 400 is required
MU Guide: Socketing and Seeds
There are several steps involved in upgrading an item using Seeds and sockets.
First, you need to go through Extraction to obtain a Seed. Then comes the process of Assembly, which is combining the Seed with a Sphere to create a Seed Sphere. You then finish with Seeding—inserting the Seed Sphere into a Socketed Item.
You can optionally perform Destruction on an item you have already seeded with a Seed Sphere, in order to remove the Seed Sphere from the socket.
Socketed Items
Socketed items drop from monsters like normal items. Only the 380 items that came out in Season 4 can have sockets. Note, however, that Summoner 380 items currently cannot have any sockets.
Each item can have 1 – 3 sockets. It is not possible to change the number of sockets in an item.
I. Extraction
Extraction is the process of creating a Seed.
Seeds are created using excellent items, set items, and some jewels.
Success rate is not 100%. The probability of success depends on the grade and level of the ingredients.
1. NPC Used
Extraction can be done at the Seed Master in Elbeland (46, 242).
2. Extraction Ingredients:
3. Extraction Results
* Success: All items are consumed, and a Seed is produced
* Failure
o Excellent/Set items randomly lose 0 – 2 item levels.
o All jewels disappear.
Seed List
II. Assembly
Assembly means creating a Seed Sphere by combining a Seed and a Sphere.
As discussed above, a Seed is created through Extraction. Spheres can be obtained from monsters.
1. NPC Used
Assembly is done at the Seed Master, like Extraction.
Success rate is not 100%.
2. Assembly Ingredients:
3. Assembly Results
* Success: All items are consumed and become Seed Sphere
* Failure: All items are consumed
III. Seeding
Seeding an item means to insert a Seed Sphere into a Socketed Item.
You can only insert fire, ice, and lightning Seed Spheres into weapons.
You can only insert water, wind, and earth Seed Sphere into armor.
You cannot insert Seed Spheres with identical options into the same item.
For example, let’s say you have an item with 2 sockets. In the first socket, you put an Ice Seed Sphere + skill damage increase. That means that in the second socket, you can put any Fire, Lightning, or Ice Seed Sphere except for Ice Seed Sphere + Skill Damage Increase.
Seeding success rate is 100%.
1. NPC Used
Seeding can be done through Seed Researcher in Elbeland (50, 242)
2. Seeding Ingredients
IV. Socket Option Destruction/Removal
This process opens up a socket for use by destroying the Seed Sphere already in it. The option from the Seed Sphere will vanish from the item when the Seed Sphere is destroyed.
You can choose which Seed Sphere to destroy.
Destruction success rate is 100%.
1. NPC Used
Destruction can be done through Seed Researcher (Elbeland 50,242), like Seeding.
2. Destruction Ingredients
No ingredients required. The only item you need to bring is the socketed item with the Seed Sphere that you want to destroy.
Hot Tip!
There is a chance to obtain powerful bonus options (in addition to existing Seed Sphere options), by having certain combinations of Seed Spheres in an item.
The combinations of these Seed Spheres and the bonus options each combo unlocks is a mystery for you to unravel!
First, you need to go through Extraction to obtain a Seed. Then comes the process of Assembly, which is combining the Seed with a Sphere to create a Seed Sphere. You then finish with Seeding—inserting the Seed Sphere into a Socketed Item.
You can optionally perform Destruction on an item you have already seeded with a Seed Sphere, in order to remove the Seed Sphere from the socket.
Socketed Items
Socketed items drop from monsters like normal items. Only the 380 items that came out in Season 4 can have sockets. Note, however, that Summoner 380 items currently cannot have any sockets.
Each item can have 1 – 3 sockets. It is not possible to change the number of sockets in an item.
I. Extraction
Extraction is the process of creating a Seed.
Seeds are created using excellent items, set items, and some jewels.
Success rate is not 100%. The probability of success depends on the grade and level of the ingredients.
1. NPC Used
Extraction can be done at the Seed Master in Elbeland (46, 242).
2. Extraction Ingredients:
3. Extraction Results
* Success: All items are consumed, and a Seed is produced
* Failure
o Excellent/Set items randomly lose 0 – 2 item levels.
o All jewels disappear.
Seed List
II. Assembly
Assembly means creating a Seed Sphere by combining a Seed and a Sphere.
As discussed above, a Seed is created through Extraction. Spheres can be obtained from monsters.
1. NPC Used
Assembly is done at the Seed Master, like Extraction.
Success rate is not 100%.
2. Assembly Ingredients:
3. Assembly Results
* Success: All items are consumed and become Seed Sphere
* Failure: All items are consumed
III. Seeding
Seeding an item means to insert a Seed Sphere into a Socketed Item.
You can only insert fire, ice, and lightning Seed Spheres into weapons.
You can only insert water, wind, and earth Seed Sphere into armor.
You cannot insert Seed Spheres with identical options into the same item.
For example, let’s say you have an item with 2 sockets. In the first socket, you put an Ice Seed Sphere + skill damage increase. That means that in the second socket, you can put any Fire, Lightning, or Ice Seed Sphere except for Ice Seed Sphere + Skill Damage Increase.
Seeding success rate is 100%.
1. NPC Used
Seeding can be done through Seed Researcher in Elbeland (50, 242)
2. Seeding Ingredients
IV. Socket Option Destruction/Removal
This process opens up a socket for use by destroying the Seed Sphere already in it. The option from the Seed Sphere will vanish from the item when the Seed Sphere is destroyed.
You can choose which Seed Sphere to destroy.
Destruction success rate is 100%.
1. NPC Used
Destruction can be done through Seed Researcher (Elbeland 50,242), like Seeding.
2. Destruction Ingredients
No ingredients required. The only item you need to bring is the socketed item with the Seed Sphere that you want to destroy.
Hot Tip!
There is a chance to obtain powerful bonus options (in addition to existing Seed Sphere options), by having certain combinations of Seed Spheres in an item.
The combinations of these Seed Spheres and the bonus options each combo unlocks is a mystery for you to unravel!
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